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Win2k users, what benchmark programs are you using?

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  • Win2k users, what benchmark programs are you using?

    3dmark2000 exits out to desktop when rocket is fired and Wintune latest tells me im running directx 6 Sandra 2000 does not work well with Win2k either.

    Celeron 300a@464 on a Abit BH6 Rev 1.01, 192 Pc100, Matrox G400 32 SH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends
    Celeron II 566@ 952 on a Abit BE6 Rev 1, 128 Pc100, Matrox G450 32 DH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends

  • #2
    3DMark 2000 should run (eventually), it just needs a few goes to get over it's inherent shyness of Windows 2000.
    Like you say, it's the helicopter test that always does it, but once you get past it the rest runs o.k. - just be patient and hang in there !


    • #3
      It runs almost every first time with 5.06 drivers.


      • #4
        I was able to run 3dmark2000
        all the way without a crash and I got 1471 3dmarks at 1024x768 16bit.
        Because of crashes I have had to limit myself to agp1x only(must be a win2k
        thing) and I know there should not be a noticeable difference in
        performance. One thing that I noticed that is wierd is that when i run
        3dmark2000 and look in th system details it tells me that I have 48 megs of
        texture memory regardless if I have my apeture size set to 64, 128 or 256
        megs. Any idea why im not getting the full texture memory? I know in win98
        on my old amd system if I set 128 meg apeture I would get 98 megs texture
        memory. Any ideas?

        Celeron 300a@464 on a Abit BH6 Rev 1.01, 192 Pc100, Matrox G400 32 SH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends
        Celeron II 566@ 952 on a Abit BE6 Rev 1, 128 Pc100, Matrox G450 32 DH, SBlive Value, Supra Express 56i ISA, all running on Win2k pro with other odds and ends


        • #5
          Nuno -

          were you ever able to get a result with the 5.04 drivers, for comparison ?

          I found that the 5.06 driver results were a great deal lower than those of the certified 5.04 drivers, and I'm wondering if this is peculiar to me.


          • #6
            Not that I can remember. But I´m pretty sure it always exited at the helicopter scene.

            With 5.06 it ran the first time I tried it, so I sticked with 5.06 despite 5.04 being MS certified...


            • #7
              I can run all the 3Dmark tests without exiting to the desktop with all the last drivers (5.03, 5.04, 5.06). I think it is a difference in setup or something. If you all look in the other thread concerning 3dmark2000 in the matrox gaming section, you can see my very nice scores in win2k.

              I did notice that 3Dmark is very sensitive to overclocking... maybe that has influence to the amount of spontanous exiting to desktop?

              [This message has been edited by dZeus (edited 07 June 2000).]

