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It's a bad day...

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  • It's a bad day...

    No new w2k driver released yesterday...

  • #2
    *Sigh* The 5.03 drivers were released on Feb. 24th, while 5.04 *supposedly* isn't supported by the MAXes, nor does it fix that many bugs. NVidia creates new videocards faster than Matrox can release driver updates for its own.. not to mention that their drivers are a hell of a lot less buggy. Wake up Matrox!!.. wait, it's a saturday, what are the chances..


    PS. 5.06.031 wasn't even intended for the non-marvel cards, so I'm not counting it.

    [This message has been edited by Storm (edited 10 June 2000).]
    P60-120Thz, 256Tb ram, 27.5Pb 225000 RPM HD, 142" .001 dot pitch monitor @ 30720x23040x64, Matrox G24000 w/512Gb, SB UltraLive2, DX120 beta, Win2112 SP4. Hey -- beta testers have their advantages...


    • #3
      NVidia officially releases drivers far less often than Matrox. They did not have an official release for Windows 98 from October of 1999 until a week ago. That's seven months!

      Their W2K support is getting worse rather than better. While you once could get SMP working in Quake3 by hacking various leaked releases or jumping through a couple of hoops, only the 5.XX Detonators support the GeForce2 and SMP does not work with this series.

      In addition, they have disabled AGP 4X (and therefore Fast Writes) in all official driver releases and AGP Sidebanding in all BIOS releases for their newer boards.

      I have three nVidia boards up and running now and spend a fair amount of time on their forums. There are no shortages of nVidia driver problems with any OS. In fact, I've seen nVidia users concoct the same sort of specious comparisons about Matrox drivers.


