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w2k beta 5.10 !!!!!!!!!

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  • w2k beta 5.10 !!!!!!!!!

    Download !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • #2
    So, are they any better??????



    • #3
      download done, now i test this new driver...


      • #4
        I dl'ed them also, but have a new Prophet II installed, so I'm gonna wait for the initial verdict before putting my G400Max back in!


        • #5
          Download done here too. Hope they were worth of it. :-)

          ABIT BX6v2
          Alpha PAL6035, 27CFM fan
          64MB SDRAM 6ns
          G400 16MB DH
          Yamaha DS-XG
          Hitachi GD2500BX+

          ABIT BX6v2
          Alpha PAL6035, 27CFM fan
          64MB SDRAM 6ns
          G400 16MB DH
          Yamaha DS-XG
          Hitachi GD2500BX+


          • #6
            Downloading here, also.
            So finally do we have customizable refresh rates?


            • #7
              Anyone know if these drivers are also for G200?
              BOINC stats


              • #8

                Yes there are customizable refresh rates.


                • #9
                  yeah... has anyone tried them with a G200?


                  • #10
                    Damn I was missing monitor customizations in win2k

                    First overall impressions: Mixed feelings about performance. Like Quake2 is almost at win9x levels, going from 75 fps to 93 fps in one driver release is really tweaking up. But... Quake3 is scoring 10% slower in every res/color depth. Using the 5.06 ICD with 5.10 drivers restores performance. Something must be wrong here. Oh, and despite the marks in the wall corruptions being corrected in 16 bit, there is still flickering in 32 bit.

                    Can anyone confirm this horrible performance loss in Q3?

                    Update: Oh my god. Something went very wrong with this driver release. Like most of the older games demos don´t work anymore. Motoracer2, Forsaken, Test Drive6, Tomb Raider IV, Ultimate race pro. They did with previous drivers.

                    [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 13 June 2000).]


                    • #11
                      And remember folks... It's just a BETA, make note of the things that work, and report the things that don't. The BB's here usually will take constructive criticism and direct it to the appropriate channels, if the people in those channels hadn't already visited and read up on them.

                      Will report in after trying them out here..

                      Gaming Rig.

                      - Gigabyte GA-7N400-Pro
                      - AMD Athlon 3200+ XP
                      - 1.5GB Dual Channel DDR 433Mhz SDRAM
                      - 6.1 Digital Audio
                      - Gigabit Lan (Linksys 1032)
                      - 4 x 120GB SATA Drives, RAID 0+1 (Striped/Mirrored)
                      - Sony DRU-500A DVD/+/-/R/RW
                      - Creative 8x DVD-ROM
                      - LS120 IDE Floppy
                      - Zip 100 IDE
                      - PNY Ultra 5900 (256MB)
                      - NEC FE950
                      - DTT2500 Cambridge Soundworks


                      • #12
                        510 504
                        g200d.dll=NA 556,879 *
                        g200icd.dll=NA 1,835,008 *
                        g200m.sys=NA 304,256 *
                        G400D.dll=1,617,775 1,240,031 *
                        G400ICD.DLL=815,104 1,929,216 *
                        G400m.sys=330,064 304,256 *
               23,099 *
                        install.inf=30,396 30,129 *
                        Mgabg.exe=65,536 65,536
                        mgabg,sys=5,500 5,500
                        pdbkgnd.bmp=137,270 137,270
                        pdesk.exe=499,712 462,848 *
                        PdeskCmd.exe=61,440 65,536 *
                        PdeskEng.cnt=3,455 3,223 *
                        PdeskEng.hlp=129,917 100,655 *
                        PdeskFre.cnt=3,877 3,534 *
                        PdeskFre.hlp=138,829 105,134 *
                        PdeskGer.cnt=3,647 3,304 *
                        PdeskGer.hlp=137,970 108,357 *
                        PdeskIta.cnt=3,894 3,551 *
                        PdeskIta.hlp=141,324 105,721 *
                        PdeskSpa.cnt=3,942 3,599 *
                        PdeskSpa.hlp=138,092 104,383 *
                        Pdkernel.dll=69,632 65,536 *
                        PdMonlst.mpl=272,364 358,294 *
                        Pdpages.dll=372,736 327,680 *
                        PdResEng.dll=143,360 139,264 *
                        PdResFre.dll=159,744 155,648 *
                        PdResGer.dll=159,744 151,552 *
                        PdResIta.dll=163,840 155,648 *
                        PdResSpa.dll=159,744 155,648 *
                        PdShell.dll=69,632 65,536 *
                        PdTools.dll=126,976 122,880 *
                        PDUninst.exe=385,024 NA *
                        ReadEng.txt=7,331 6,242 *
                        ReadFre.txt=8,203 7,177 *
                        ReadGer.txt=8,054 7,021 *
                        ReadIta.txt=8,263 6,773 *
                        Readme.txt=7,331 NA *
                        ReadSpa.txt=8,065 7,090 *
                        Setup.exe=217,088 217,088
                        Setupres.dll=192,512 192,512
                        SuppEng.rtf=5,620 5,620
                        SuppFre.rtf=7,252 7,252
                        SuppGer.rtf=7,973 7,973
                        SuppIta.rtf=8,069 8,069
                        SuppSpa.rtf=6,695 6,695

                        [This message has been edited by DosFreak (edited 13 June 2000).]


                        • #13
                          5.10 faster in Q3 by a little here.


                          • #14
                            So. This seems the first powerdesk that actually doesn't support the G200, since those drivers are missing... Too bad.


                            • #15
                              YES!!! Every single bug fixed in all 3D apps that I've tried today!!! No more freezing in Maya (Which works Perfectly now) and 3D Studio has been fixed as well!! Plus the ever-so-needed monitor customizations!
                              Thank you thank you thank you thank yoouu Matrox!!

                              The drivers were definitely worth the wait, even though it's a beta.

                              //I'm one happy camper if you haven't guessed.

                              P60-120Thz, 256Tb ram, 27.5Pb 225000 RPM HD, 142" .001 dot pitch monitor @ 30720x23040x64, Matrox G24000 w/512Gb, SB UltraLive2, DX120 beta, Win2112 SP4. Hey -- beta testers have their advantages...

