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Beta6.0, G400, Win98 & Artifacts?

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  • Beta6.0, G400, Win98 & Artifacts?

    This problem (I *thought*) had gone away on my system following the 'uninstall'
    of the wrong drivers and an install of the latest BIOS and Beta 6.0 drivers...
    But it comes back from time to time...

    ******Was a driver problem, wrong driver.
    Installed new Bios, new drivers (BETA 6) and all is fine... NOT!

    > Have an OEM G400, 32 MB on a Cel566 @850 >(100/33 bus, no O/C of video card) on a BX >Master BX chipset MOBO. Plenty of cooling,
    > chipset on Matrox card is cool to touch.
    > My problem is that the 'mouse pointer' has >a small, trailing " - " just below it by about 2/3 inch and slight to the right
    > as you look at it (if you drop a straight >line down from the pointer, it is just to >the right of that straight line, 2/3 inch
    > down from mouse pointer.) This occurs EVEN >if the mouse pointer goes away and there is, >instead, a 'cursor' (like in writing this
    > email, the mouse is a flat cursor, the >'artifact' remains and is in the same >position.)
    > What would/could cause this in the video >setup (running at 75Mhz refresh on Diamond >Plus 200 w/1280-1024 and 16M colors)
    > GREATLY appreciate any help. Thanks.*************

    The "atifacts" are a simple - that follows the mouse beneath it and
    slightly to the right of 'directly' beneath it. IT ONLY occurs AFTER a
    'drag and drop' in an app (not a desktop icon, for instance, but say a file
    in 'windows explorer' or even a toolbar icon being dragged in 'edit' to a
    different location on that apps toolbar, did it in Lotus WordPro Millenium
    9.1 and did it in Corel's WordPerfect 2000) - EACH time you do the
    drag and drop, another - appears beneath the first one, and so on until
    there is about 4 or 5 of the negative - signs beneath and following
    the mouse pointer.
    This problem is temporarily fixed by changing refresh rates from, say, 75 to
    85 (and then if it does it again, back to 75... gets boring...) OR doing a
    REBOOT (I thought a 'device manager' refresh would help, did not... have
    to do a warm reboot and they go away.)

    The problem is not resolved by turning 'bitmap caching' off (it is off)...
    Polygon is on...
    The SYSTEM description remains as above... basically running the BUS at
    100/33 so the Matrox is NOT overclocked. It runs very well, the system
    remains very cool and there is no great heat. No, never, lockups or hangs...
    the system will run with the negative - signs for days... doesn't
    effect performance. Tried earlier drivers, same results. Thanks for any ideas
    or experience with solving this.

  • #2
    Have you tried the obvious first step - reinstall the MOUSE drivers?
    AMD K6III-450; Epox EP-MVP3G5; G400DH32; Maxtor 10gig UDMA66; 128meg PC100; Aureal SQ2500 sound; PCI Modem Blaster; Linksys 10/100 NIC; Mag 800V 19"; AL ACS54 4 speaker sound; Logitech wireless mouse; Logitech Wingman Extreme (great for lefties)


    • #3
      Yup, even used them left and right, slow and
      fast... mouse doesn't seem to be the thing.
      Using the generic Win98 mouse driver too.
      Nothing fancy... no IR, not a track, nada...


      • #4
        If the mouse is the only problem, I would not immediately suspect the G400 drivers. A couple of other simple things to check first:

        1) Is your mouse serial, PS2, or USB. If USB, turn off your machine and move it to the PS2 connector (assuming you are using an adapter that can be removed). Restart and see if that helps. This will move your mouse to IRQ 12 and may reorder some other IRQ's.

        2) Mice problems are often seen when something is overclocked. Double check your system bus/ AGP/ PCI dividers in your bios and/or your motherboard jumpers. I know you probably already did this, but check again.

        Hope this helps.


        AMD K6III-450; Epox EP-MVP3G5; G400DH32; Maxtor 10gig UDMA66; 128meg PC100; Aureal SQ2500 sound; PCI Modem Blaster; Linksys 10/100 NIC; Mag 800V 19"; AL ACS54 4 speaker sound; Logitech wireless mouse; Logitech Wingman Extreme (great for lefties)


        • #5
          Howdy, thanks for the continued help. The
          mouse is a PS/2... the system BIOS is
          100/33 (standard 100PCI BUS with 1/3 divider
          for AGP...
          I am not really *too* concerned with the
          artifacts, but they are a pain. The 'changing
          of the refesh rate' is kinda interesting. IT
          always makes the artifacts 'go away'... only
          thing that does besides a reboot.


          • #6
            Additional information:
            The 'artifact' ONLY produces when a copy of
            any kind is performed. A 'drag and drop' in
            Windows Explorer. A 'file/copy/paste' in
            any word processor... these will create the
            following - artifact. It just sits
            beneath the cursor or pointer and follows the
            mouse around. A 'refresh rate' change , or
            even a fake change, start it, decide not to
            and back to orig. refresh rate, will make it
            go away.
            Love to figure out what is causing this.
            PS/2 mouse, reinstalled mouse drivers, clean
            system, no overclocking of Bus or Matrox
            G400 dual head OEM 32 mB with beta 6 drivers
            and latest BIOS. Thanks.

