Okay, maybe someone can provide some input on this...
I have a Matrox G400Max with an Acer76i 17" primary monitor and a Dell ES-17 17" secondary monitor. According to documented specs, both monitors are capable of 1280x1024 resolutions, and seperately each one can achieve that resolution. All of this is in Win2k.
Once I enable Dualhead, the second display becomes a 'PlugNPlay monitor' with 1024x768 resolution in the DualHead options screen of the Advanced settings area, and the regular Display settings option allows for up to 2048x768, which is one step lower than I believe I SHOULD be able to go (2560x1024), if I'm doing the math right.
No matter what generic or specific drivers I assign to the primary monitor, the Matrox card refuses to see the second monitor as anything else, and therefore limits me from an otherwise achievable resolution.
For that matter, even Windows Millennium doesn't hit the 1280x1024 on the second monitor, even though it works fine as the primary monitor.
Here is the weird thing: if I disable Dualhead in either Win2k or WinMe, unplug the second monitor, restart, plug the second monitor back in and enable Dualhead, for that session it will see nothing but a default monitor on the second head and let me choose the resolution I'm shooting for wihtout any problems. Once I restart, I'm back to my original scenario.
Am I missing something here? Is there a way to override or otherwise confuse what the Matrox card is detecting on the secondary display so I can achieve on a REGULAR basis what I've seen work?
Thanx in advance for anyone's input or suggestions!
I have a Matrox G400Max with an Acer76i 17" primary monitor and a Dell ES-17 17" secondary monitor. According to documented specs, both monitors are capable of 1280x1024 resolutions, and seperately each one can achieve that resolution. All of this is in Win2k.
Once I enable Dualhead, the second display becomes a 'PlugNPlay monitor' with 1024x768 resolution in the DualHead options screen of the Advanced settings area, and the regular Display settings option allows for up to 2048x768, which is one step lower than I believe I SHOULD be able to go (2560x1024), if I'm doing the math right.
No matter what generic or specific drivers I assign to the primary monitor, the Matrox card refuses to see the second monitor as anything else, and therefore limits me from an otherwise achievable resolution.
For that matter, even Windows Millennium doesn't hit the 1280x1024 on the second monitor, even though it works fine as the primary monitor.
Here is the weird thing: if I disable Dualhead in either Win2k or WinMe, unplug the second monitor, restart, plug the second monitor back in and enable Dualhead, for that session it will see nothing but a default monitor on the second head and let me choose the resolution I'm shooting for wihtout any problems. Once I restart, I'm back to my original scenario.
Am I missing something here? Is there a way to override or otherwise confuse what the Matrox card is detecting on the secondary display so I can achieve on a REGULAR basis what I've seen work?
Thanx in advance for anyone's input or suggestions!