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TV Output from G200

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  • #16
    ok, i found the problem, i was using the wrong damn AC adapter, but even when i did use the correct one, it was all scrambled, like you needed a cable box or something.

    aver emailed me back and said that i had to run in safe mode. so i ran it in safe mode and i had the same problem.

    i think i should just forget it now.

    one more thing, when i put my computer in 256 colour mode, and played a music video with windows media player, the video played in 16bit colour, i didnt know that until now.

    P5A-B AMD K6-300
    Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP
    Creative SB Awe32 (a classic, superb card)
    Realtek 8029A NIC Card
    64meg Ram
    Ali V agp chipset
    <font size="1">Gigabyte GA-6VXC7-4X MoBo
    VIA Apollo Pro 133a (694x/686A) chipset (4x agp, UDMA 66)
    Celeron II 733 CPU (coppermine 128)
    128meg (2x64) 133mhz SDRam
    Matrox Milleniumm G200 AGP 16 mb
    Creative Sound Blaster Live! 5.1 Digital model 0100 (MP3+, Gamer)
    Quantum LM 30 gig HD 7200 RPM UDMA 66
    Realtek 8029A NIC Card
    Optiquest V775 17" Monitor
    Actima 36X CD-Rom
    Advansys 510 SCSI Card (ISA, but good enuf for my burner)
    Yamaha 6416 CD-RW
    Windows 2000 (primary)
    Slackware Linux 9.0(secondary/emergency)</font>


    • #17
      Can anyone recommend a place online to get the RR-G *other than*?

      $149US + shipping is a bit much for an upgrade to a card that didn't cost $149 to begin with.

      Thanks in advance.


      • #18
        The RR-G doesn't have an output, only inputs. There was a G200 TV-OUT add on. When I bought mine it was $59.99. That is what you want.
        Mine: Epox EP-8KTA3, Matrox G400 32mb DH + RRG, Athlon 1.2/266, 256mb, WD 30gb ATA100, Pio 32x CDROM, Adaptec 2940U2W, WD 18.3GB 10k U2W, Yamaha CDRW4416, Pio DVD-303, Scsi Zip 100, Seagate 10/20 Gb tape, SBlive platinum, Linksys 10/100 nic, HP 712c printer, HP 6200 scanner, Linksys 4port cable router, Linksys 2port print server/switch
        Hers: Epox EP-3VSA, G400 32mb SH, PIII 750, 256mb, WD 10gb, Pio 6x DVD, Zip 250, Diamond S90, Linksys 10/100 nic


        • #19
          mynx- lists the G200 TV-OUT, but has no such product - only the RR-G, which is billed as a "G200 Multimedia Upgrade".

          Is there still a *basic* G200 TV-OUT, and if so, do you know where I might be able to find it? I've had no luck at matrox.

          Thanks again.


          • #20
            Unfortunately no. Maybe you can email matrox. I just wanted to prevent you from ordering the wrong product. I have a RR-G and it won't do what you want.
            Mine: Epox EP-8KTA3, Matrox G400 32mb DH + RRG, Athlon 1.2/266, 256mb, WD 30gb ATA100, Pio 32x CDROM, Adaptec 2940U2W, WD 18.3GB 10k U2W, Yamaha CDRW4416, Pio DVD-303, Scsi Zip 100, Seagate 10/20 Gb tape, SBlive platinum, Linksys 10/100 nic, HP 712c printer, HP 6200 scanner, Linksys 4port cable router, Linksys 2port print server/switch
            Hers: Epox EP-3VSA, G400 32mb SH, PIII 750, 256mb, WD 10gb, Pio 6x DVD, Zip 250, Diamond S90, Linksys 10/100 nic

