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The driver uninstaller doesnt work for windows 2k?

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  • The driver uninstaller doesnt work for windows 2k?

    I am now running win 2k and have been using the certified drivers since my fresh install so I haven't uninstalled until now. I want to use the beta drivers but the uninstaller I used for win98 se doesn't work. Can someone point me in the right direction or do I just do it the old fashioned way (adapter/change) thanks

    Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

    Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

  • #2
    There is a file called PDUninst.exe in the installation directory. Just run that.


    • #3
      Hunsow, thanks. Is there a problem with the 5.10 beta's not hanging on to the refresh rate I set it to?I looked around in the forums a bit but didn't see anything about it. It keeps losing the settings I set it to. Thanks again

      Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

      Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro


      • #4
        Not that I know of, I certainly don't have that problem.


        • #5
          Kookstick, I know Win2k has an annoying behavior with refresh rates. I don't know if this is what you experienced, but it looks like this:

          1- I select a correct refresh rate (like 85Hz) in my current resolution (say 1280x1024).
          2- I change my display resolution to a mode that does not support 85Hz (say 1600x1200, or even a lower res than the original one in some circumstances). This new res displays in, say, 75Hz. The new res might be selected automatically when I run a DirectX / OpenGL game.
          3- I come back to the original res (by exiting the game, for example) and I'm stuck with the 75Hz I had during the game.

          This behavior is the fault of Win2k - NOT of the PowerDesk. This behavior happens every time you change your display resolution to a new res that does not have the exact same refresh available in the refresh list. The Win2k internal algorithm looks similar to this:

          if the refresh rate used in the previous mode is available in the new mode refresh list
              use it
              if at least one refresh rate exist below the previous refresh rate
                  take the refresh rate in the new mode list that is the highest but below the previous refresh
                  take the lowest refresh rate in the new mode refresh list
          Win2k does not remember the refresh rate it used on a per-resolution basis. This is why you often end up using a low refresh rate.

          This translates to the following:

          Assuming you have refresh rates [60, 75, 85] for 1280x1024 and refresh rates [60, 75] available for 1152x864, changing from 1280x1024@85Hz to 1152x864 will give you 75Hz in this mode. Going back to 1280x1024, you'll end up in 75Hz, because this is the refresh that was used in 1152x864.

          Windows 9x is much less stable than Win2k, but at least it has decent support for user-specified refresh rates for all resolutions!

          A work-around is to customize your usual desktop resolution using the PowerDesk monitor tool. When a mode is customized, there is only one refresh reported to Win2k - which is then forced to use it.

          Hope this helps a bit!


          [This message has been edited by Phoenix (edited 18 July 2000).]


          • #6
            Phoenix- That is exactly what was happening, Do you suppose this will be fixed in the windows 2k update due out any day now? I am patiently waiting cause it fixes the sticky key problem in rogue spear. Well thanks for explaining it to me, even though win 2k has it bugs it's still the best OS i've ever used. Have a good one.

            Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

            Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro


            • #7
              I've reported the problem to Microsoft a few months ago - it's up to them to determine when or if they will fix it.



              • #8
                When I finaly got 5.10 drivers I tried "overclocking" my monitor and got to 91Hz. Ok, fine (monitor even shows MAX in viewmeter).

                Ok, when I switch to something else and back it doesn't remember 91Hz.

                What helped me is that I went to Monitor tab in Display setup and there it is - 85Hz stays, it's not changed up to my new (better ;-) 91Hz. But 91Hz now also appeared there. So I selected it.

                Now it works fine. Always.
                Matrox Millenium P750 bios 1.3 - 12, P4 3Ghz HT 800Mhz, Asus P4P800 Deluxe, 1Gb DDR400 Dual Channel, Dual Seagate 80Gb S-ATA on Intel Raid level 0, Toshiba DVD-ROM SD-M1302, external Yamaha CD-RW CRW-F1DX on Firewire, Microsoft Natural Elite keyboard, Microsoft Intellimouse Optical, Viewsonic P90F, Viewsonic PF790


                • #9
                  Just got news from Microsoft about the bug I reported a few months ago. The bug has been closed as "will not fix" without any further explanation.



                  • #10
                    Thats cool, thanks microshaft! It seems to me that it should be a priority but I guess I don't think like them. Thanks phoenix

                    Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

                    Asus P2b(1011),P3 500,256 mb pc133,Matrox G400 DH,Asus 50x,Iomega zip,Mitsumi CDR,Ibm 20 gb hd,Promise ultra 66 controller,Sb Live,Win 2000 pro

