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Crazy G800 theory

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  • #16
    as owner of an ancient TNT-card I just wonder,
    why would I want support? It always works, as does the "leaked" drivers.

    That´s more than I can say for G200.



    • #17
      As the owner of an Ancient TNT and G200 myself, I can say they both work about the same. Yeah, the TNT is a bit faster as it always has been, nothing new there. But the TNT has it's quirks as does the G200.


      Partnership for an idiot free America


      • #18
        I've always wondered why you guys diss Nvidia drivers. Geesh man. I used to own a Diamond Viper V550 (TNT1) and now own a POS Matrox G400 (soon to change as soon as I decide on a card!). Anyone with eyes in their head can see that Nvidia's driver kick a**. I think the problem is is that alot of you have a bad case of ***** envy.


        • #19
          Not very sorry to say so, DosFreak, but look who's talking. What's this, the second flame thread of the day? Sure starts to look like it

          Always and ever: Mine is bigger than yours, mine is better than yours
          What is it with these things? It's only a goddamned videocard !! If you don't like it, go out and buy the next best (in your eyes) thing, and disappear silently off of these boards. It's not that we'll be missing you!!



          • #20
            nVidia's model of frontwards and backwards compatibility means that the same drivers work all those cards. This is a very big deal, because it means that any performance tweak they throw into the drivers will benefit all the cards behind it as well. It also means that when new cards come out, they already have several releases behind them and that new cards come out on a solid base right from the start (in theory anyway). This is a very intellegent system, and is very necessary at the rate they move at. It's interesting that you point out that the G200 is older than the TNT. Afterall, the G200 is only a generation old and the TNT is 3.

            I have high hopes for the G800 as being a sucessor to the G400MAX in terms of features and performance. It's the card I'm gunning for at the moment, I just want it before I'm 50.



            • #21
              Talk about driver support.....just look at Matrox's effort with the G200 DVD Module ...not 3D, but an example of support...

              Couldn't resist.....

              [This message has been edited by cods (edited 23 July 2000).]
              "It's purely for evaluation..."

