Here's da specs.
PIII-500mgz, 100mhz version
128 Megs ram @ 133mhz
15 Gig HD, 7200RPM
Matrox G400 Single Head AGP 32meg OEM
SB Live Value! II
Zoltrix 56k Winmodem
32x Mitsumi CDROM
8x/4x/32x Panasonic CDR
When I install the matrox drivers, Win98SE refuses to shut down. It'll just stall on a black screen, with the mouse cursor just sitting there doing nothing.
Here's what I've done...
Tried the bios upgrade on the video card and the bios.
Tried 3 different versions of the G400 driver (the one that came with the card, their current official release, and the beta).
Ripped everything out, left only the cdrom/cdr, hd connected. no soundcard, no modem.
Same thing happens..
Any suggestions? I tried what they had on the FAQ (Windows updates, etc..), no go.
No IRQ conflicts..
Any ideas? Do I just have a wanky card?
Here's the odd thing. I got two computers of nearly identical parts (the other computer had 64megs ram, no cdr, and an SB PCI 128), and it works just fine. same motherboard, same processor..
PIII-500mgz, 100mhz version
128 Megs ram @ 133mhz
15 Gig HD, 7200RPM
Matrox G400 Single Head AGP 32meg OEM
SB Live Value! II
Zoltrix 56k Winmodem
32x Mitsumi CDROM
8x/4x/32x Panasonic CDR
When I install the matrox drivers, Win98SE refuses to shut down. It'll just stall on a black screen, with the mouse cursor just sitting there doing nothing.
Here's what I've done...
Tried the bios upgrade on the video card and the bios.
Tried 3 different versions of the G400 driver (the one that came with the card, their current official release, and the beta).
Ripped everything out, left only the cdrom/cdr, hd connected. no soundcard, no modem.
Same thing happens..
Any suggestions? I tried what they had on the FAQ (Windows updates, etc..), no go.
No IRQ conflicts..
Any ideas? Do I just have a wanky card?
Here's the odd thing. I got two computers of nearly identical parts (the other computer had 64megs ram, no cdr, and an SB PCI 128), and it works just fine. same motherboard, same processor..