I've just bought a G200 AGP card and so far have had no luck with it. Whenever the card is installed in the AGP slot my system emits 1 long, 2 short beeps and the monitor stays blank with an amber light. Sometimes there aren't any beeps at all when I power up the machine, but the monitor still stays blank.
If I put back in my old card (Diamond S220 PCI) the machine boots fine.
I've tried reseating the G200, removing all other cards changing BIOS settings. At this point I'm at a loss. I would greatly appreciate any advice as I was looking forward to using this card.
My System:
AMD K6-2 400Mhz
Freetech MB with ALI chip set
32Megs RAM
Award BIOS (Flashed to the latest version).
[This message has been edited by Tuesdays Gone (edited 08 August 2000).]
I've just bought a G200 AGP card and so far have had no luck with it. Whenever the card is installed in the AGP slot my system emits 1 long, 2 short beeps and the monitor stays blank with an amber light. Sometimes there aren't any beeps at all when I power up the machine, but the monitor still stays blank.
If I put back in my old card (Diamond S220 PCI) the machine boots fine.
I've tried reseating the G200, removing all other cards changing BIOS settings. At this point I'm at a loss. I would greatly appreciate any advice as I was looking forward to using this card.
My System:
AMD K6-2 400Mhz
Freetech MB with ALI chip set
32Megs RAM
Award BIOS (Flashed to the latest version).
[This message has been edited by Tuesdays Gone (edited 08 August 2000).]