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Continual G400 BIOS corruption

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  • Continual G400 BIOS corruption

    I am having a problem with reoccuring BIOS corruption on a Millenium G400 DH 32MB video card. The card is part number G4+MDH4A32G, Rev .405 MT02350, PCB marked 906-04 Rev B. BIOS version is the most recent (1.6, 897-16a.bin) and I have been using PD 5.52 under Win98. Full system specs are as follows:
    Abit KA7 motherboard (beta BIOS ka7_ry.b01)
    AMD K7 750
    Mushkin Rev 1.5 Athlon RAM (128MB stick)
    20GB Quantum LM HDD
    Teac FDD
    Afreey 4008 DVD
    SuperPower SH-300 ATX 300W Power supply
    Creative Labs SoundBlaster Live Value (LiveWare 3 drivers)
    USR 2976 PCI Modem

    Operating system and drivers is Win98SE using ViaGART 4.03, Via inf update v1.02, and DirectX 7A. IRQ assignment is: USB - 3, ACPI - 4, USR Modem - 5, LPT - 7, SoundBlaster - 10, G400 - 11, Primary IDE - 14, Secondary IDE - 15. No devices are sharing IRQs (com ports are disabled in BIOS) and no other resource conflicts have been reported. The BIOS is set with a 128M aperture, 4X mode disabled, and Fast Write Support disabled. All video and system BIOS caching is disabled.

    The system ran fine for about 2 monthes, when it gave a one-long, two-short beep code on boot and failed to display the POST screen. It also fails to display in DOS mode, indicating a problem with the video card BIOS. I put a Diamond Stealth 3000 PCI video card in the system to attempt reprograming the G400 BIOS, using the command line "progbios -i 897-16a.bin -s pins.txt -k" (clean boot disk, no config.sys file). Pins.txt was obtained from Hunsow's site for the 405B G400 DH. The BIOS programmed successfully and, after removing the PCI video card, rebooted into Win98. Win began giving the "There is a problem with your Display Adaptor" error message and was stuck in 16color, 640 x 480 mode. While trying to solve this problem, the computer once again started giving the one-long, two-short beep code and failing to display the POST screen. Now, it will no longer load Win98 either, which it would do after the first problem. No longer having access to the PCI video card, I attempted to reprogram it by adding the command line "progbios -i 897-16a.bin -s pins.txt -k" to the autoexec.bat file (only entry within the file) and rebooting the machine. I waited for floppy access to stop, hit "y" (for "yes to program") "enter", and waited for about one minute after floppy access had ceased. This was not effective, as the system will still not output any display at all. Using the "progbios -d >pins.txt" command line now gives the following:

    ;MGA Bios Programming Utility v2.08.000d
    ;(C) Matrox Graphics Inc. (2000)
    Fill: 0 127 0xFF
    ;Matrox G400 AGP
    ;VGA Enabled - BIOS

    - WARNING: Invalid Bios.
    0 2 0x412e
    2 1 0x80
    3 1 0xff
    4 2 0x0401
    6 2 0xc906
    8 2 0x0001
    10 2 0x0000
    12 16 'LAH19866'
    28 6 '405B'
    36 2 0xfff0
    38 1 75
    39 1 75
    40 1 75
    41 1 75
    42 1 75
    43 1 75
    44 1 34
    45 1 34
    46 4 0
    50 1 0x3f
    51 1 0xff
    52 1 0xff
    53 1 0xc2
    54 1 0xff
    55 1 82
    56 1 41
    57 4 0x0190a419
    61 4 0x24045491
    65 1 126
    66 1 63
    67 4 0x019b8419
    71 4 0x24045491
    75 1 126
    76 1 63
    77 4 0x019b8419
    81 4 0x24045491
    85 1 0xff
    86 2 0x0c88
    88 2 0x0c88
    90 1 0xee
    91 2 0x2cfe
    93 2 0xfff9

    :filetype TOUCAN
    :PCBinfo 4095-15
    :SubsystemVendorId 0x2179102b

    The PIN structure looks intact and correct, however it does not seem to be able to read the BIOS. Can anything be done to fix this? If not, is it likely to happen again if I put another Matrox card in this system?

    "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."
    "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."

  • #2
    Anid if you look at your other thread GBm asks you to go to his website. I think his web site also has instructions on how to get your Bios back.
    Chief Lemon Buyer no more Linux sucks but not as much
    Weather nut and sad git.

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    • #3
      Yes, well, the instructions on his site for recovering the BIOS is what I tried - using the progbios command line within the autoexec.bat file. Didn't work this second go around. And at the moment, I can't use MXinfo cuz the machine won't load Win and, without a vid card BIOS, I can't get into DOS. Also, any time I have tried to do a PIN dump from MXinfo, with this or any other card / machine, it has simply created an empty file. It also doesn't seem to like the newer PIN structure - I have used it several times with my G200 and never had any problems, but after I got the G400 working in my system, I tried running MXinfo and it seemed to just give me a capabilities list for the _entire_ G400 line, not the card in use (similar to using the -dead option).

      So, I'm at a loss... It appears the chip is "leaking voltage" (for lack of another way to put it) and periodically discharging, wiping out or damaging the BIOS. I'm not EE or CE, so I don't know for sure at the hardware level, but I've tried everything software related I can think of, and then some. I'm wondering if part of / the whole problem has to do with the mobo, as it flashed and ran fine (for a day, anyway) in my machine (Epox MVP3G-M) but won't flash (or doesn't appear to, it's hard to be sure without video) on the Abit KA7 and corrupts. I know several people have this same configuration and don't seem to have any problems with it, which points more strongly to the card being at fault.
      "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."


      • #4
        Try to recover the BIOS first using another video card (PCI or ISA). I suspect that due to some error (file not found, etc.) your efforts to restore the BIOS using autoexec are not successful. Immediately after the recovery you may use MXINFO -dead to check the BIOS while still using the second video adapter.


        • #5
          Thanks, gbm, that's what I did the first go around. The disk was working correctly, the card is hosed. I've spoken to Matrox and gotten an RMA for the card. This was an unfixable problem, very nice of them to replace the card without any hassle. Thanks to all that tried to help.

          "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."
          "I wrestled with reality for 27 years and I'm happy to say I finally won out over it."

