Everyonce in awhile I get where either I open/close a Internet Explorer window in Windows ME and before this Windows 98. The thing that happens is that I either close or minize a window and I get a garbled line on my screen where it looks like a window is getting minized to the task bar below. Its really odd...It has no ryhme or reason why it does it. I don't think its a temp related issue as I have a Aphala heatsink on my OC Celery and the AGP port isn't being overclocked. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,256mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem,WinME on Western Digital 30GB drive
Abit BH6 with a Celeron 2-566@877mhz,256mb RAM,G400 MAX,SB Live!, Optiquest V95 19in montor, Asus 40x CD-ROM, Aopen 5x DVD-ROM,HP9110i 8x4x32 CD-RW,SupraMax 56k modem,WinME on Western Digital 30GB drive