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DivX movie not passed through TV-out

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  • #16
    DivX = codec
    DIVX = dead movie format since DVD won.

    Note the spelling.

    I tried to play this funny film:

    and I guess it doesn't fit that 32 thingy. Am I correct? Are Matrox cards only ones that have this problem?
    Ant @ The Ant Farm (


    • #17
      The codec is called "DivX ;-)" ..


      • #18

        I'm not having any luck with the TV out for Real8.... I tried 352x264 and 360x272 and neither plays back... The clips are shorter than 5 mins as well...
        None of my MPEG2 files plays either if they are 720x576..... anything less works fine.


        • #19
          Yep you guys helped a lot

          I had a divX AVI not playing on the tv-out. It had a line resolution of 302 (32*9,5), so I resized it with VirtualDUB to 320.

          Now it works perfectly!!!

          Thanks to all.


          • #20
            aint virtual dub great?


            • #21
              yep definitely must say so


              • #22
                How do I get from DVD to ASF?

                I want a PC with a web interface on a telly to be able to choose a small selection of videos on-demand and then play them full-screen automatically. Is ASF a good format - and do I have to use ASX too?

                (btw, is ASX just the XML/XSL component of the AS formats - or is it something else?)

                Meet Jasmine.


                • #23
                  How Matrox G400's DVDMAX-feature works in different situations

                  I'm using latest drivers and W98. I'm in 1024x768x32bpp.

                  Overlays (well, maybe not overlays, but the video) on my primary display do work as supposed. These results are what is needed for it to work on my secondary monitor.

                  VirtualDub capture: only updates when something overlapping is moved
                  -Any resolution.
                  -Any colorsystem/depth (well, might still be using RGB?)

                  Couldn't fix that updating-problem. Tried changing that scale only on page flip -setting, no help.

                  Studio PCTV Vision (my TV-card's software): same as VirtualDub.

                  Media Player: works perfectly, or not at all..
                  -X-resolution must be divisible with 32, to let any codec work.
                  -Uncompressed YUY2 works.
                  -Uncompressed RGB24 doesn't.
                  -HuffYUV v2.1.1 doesn't.
                  -DivX ;-) 3.11alpha works.
                  -Cinepak works.
                  -Indeo 5.10 works.

                  Unlike Haig says, I haven't found any codec that would work - in Windows Media Player (the version that comes with W98) - in any X-resolution other than multiple of 32..

                  Y-resolution doesn't matter. Could even be something like 320x600, without problems, I think.

                  The problem is in "Video Renderer", which is a component of Media Player.

                  I don't actually KNOW all this, but I'm quite sure..

                  There is one quite sure help: use another player. Unfortunately there aren't that many alternative players, and the ones we have maybe don't use overlay at all.

                  BSPlayer is one, and GDivX player is another. More known players?

                  BSPlayer doesn't (yet) use overlays, GDivX doesn't even start on this computer.


                  • #24
                    Never ever use ASF or any other non-open, or non-standard format. This includes ASX (never heard of it), ASF, WMF, RA, RAM, and so on ..

                    So, your selection is AVI.


                    • #25
                      I have good experiences with the NiceMC plugin for Winamp..

                      so i use Winamp to play divx

                      Also speed control, subtitle support, zoom, and more stuff like that in that plugin..



                      • #26
                        not sure, but I think I've heard something that the DivX codec is something like a hacked ms codec - perhaps I'm completly wrong..

                        "Perhaps they communicate by changing colour? Like those sea creatures .."
                        "Really? I didn't know they did that."
                        "Oh yes, red means help!"


                        • #27
                          Yep, it is. Well, it still seems to be legal; M$ has done nothing against it. Maybe M$ forgot the copyright of their original codec?

                          Gotta try that WinAMP plugin.


                          • #28
                            I think that MS once released the source of their codec for free download. And moments later they pulled it (because someone at MS thoughht it was a bad idea?). Sometimes the source still shows up, like at that MPEG-4 codec competition that was launched not that long ago.

                            Oh, and MS somehow managed to stop all development on the DivX ;-) codec... but 2 successors are on their way.

                            [This message has been edited by dZeus (edited 12 November 2000).]


                            • #29



                              • #30
                                One of those is DivX Deux, and the another one is ..?

                                That WinAMP plugin doesn't work (WinAMP crashes on startup if it's installed).

                                Media Player 6.4 and GDivX player work exactly like the old mplayer.

