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Does Matrox Tweak Utility work with the latest (certified) drivers?

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  • #16
    Hey Alec...

    Thanks for the comeback. I have all the parts, and Saturday we go to the operating table, remove the BH6/PII, and implant the A7v & TBird750.

    I have a question regarding cooling on the video card... is the stock fan sufficient? Would it be adviseable to consider a more powerful one like a blue orb?

    I guess the G400 doesn't really stack up well aginst the newer 64 Meg cards, but I love this card, and have been a Matrox user since the old 3 Meg VLB full-size card, and have had every version of the Millennium as well as the G200 and Rainbow Runners.

    Still... I hear rumors of a G800, and I'm wondering what it'll be.

    Thanks again.

    •Never be afraid to ask dumb questions•
    Asus A7v•TBird850 OC'd 1GHz•SuperORB HSF•G400DH-MAX•128M Mushkin Cas2-GH•50X CD•4X4X32X Philips Burner•IBM 46Gig UATA100/IBM 10Gig UATA33•Zip100•LinkSys 10/100NIC•WinME

