I just installed PD 6.10 and on the final reboot I received the following "blue screen" message:
Terminating thread due to stack overflow problem. A VxD, possibly recently installed, has consumed too much stack space. Increase the setting of "MINSPs in system.ini or remove recently installed VxD's.
There are currently 5 SP's installed.
I hit the space bar and it them gave me a new "blue screen" screen that said;
There are no spare Stack ____
6 SP's are installed
I hit the space bar and the system completed the reboot ok
What is this all about?
The new drivers appear to be working ok,
so is this anything to I need worry about??
Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 128 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, PD 5.41, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 7.0 (not a),TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100
[This message has been edited by Grant (edited 20 November 2000).]
Terminating thread due to stack overflow problem. A VxD, possibly recently installed, has consumed too much stack space. Increase the setting of "MINSPs in system.ini or remove recently installed VxD's.
There are currently 5 SP's installed.
I hit the space bar and it them gave me a new "blue screen" screen that said;
There are no spare Stack ____
6 SP's are installed
I hit the space bar and the system completed the reboot ok
What is this all about?
The new drivers appear to be working ok,
so is this anything to I need worry about??
Dell Intel 440bx, P2 450, 128 megs ram, IBM 13g hard drive, G400 Max, PD 5.41, 256k AGP aperture, Win 98 SE, DirectX 7.0 (not a),TBS Montego Audio, Dell D1226H 19 inch monitor at 1280x1024x32, 3com XL10/100
[This message has been edited by Grant (edited 20 November 2000).]