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  • Sensored?

    Hmm I posted something a couple of days ago that actually was taken away from the board.
    It was taken away because I said that I didn't use a slow G400 anymore and instead are using a GF 2 MX Twinview. I almost didn't believe it but someone actually took the post away. What is this a praise Matrox site or a forum for oppinions?
    Joe Lianes

  • #2
    I didn't see the post, so I couldn't say. One thing I can say for sure is that this is definately not a "praise every other manufacturer of video cards except Matrox" forum


    • #3
      I agree whole heartedly, but I must say I'm kind of dissapointed that Matrox hasn't released a new card yet!
      By the way, why isn't multi monitoring fully implemented in w2k as it is in win9x. I find it odd that the professional system from MS doesn't have this professional feature fully implemnted!
      Joe Lianes


      • #4
        Your post was moved to The Soap Box where it might've belonged in the first place. And there it died somehow, nothing we did, but the server couldn't handle the contents, and made the thread's contents disappear

        Not that it matters much, does it?

        This is not a forum for opinions anyway. We're here to try help people who have problems with their Matrox videocards and who are seeking for a solution to their problem.

        If you don't have the stomach to go through a couple of helpful tips and tries, but want to go out and spend your "hard-earned" pocketmoney on something else, then that is your good right.

        What we don't really like here is the coming back in and telling us that you (generally you) gave away your G400 to someone else (who probably does have the stomach and patience to get it working), which you ditched for the next gen card that's on the market today, and then tell us that we either should do so as well, or try to tell us that your card is so the much faster... Blinding us with useless numbers of 3dbenchmarking programs, which don't use at least 3/4 of your card...

        Kruzin goes about to move the thread to TSB (see link above), and then you (generally you) come back in complaining about it, while you didn't even took the liberty to read these forum's FAQs (not the FAQ Forums!!) or the Forum Survival Guide.

        I hope this thread is either locked hard soon, or we can start all over again, which in my opinion is a waste of bandwidth, time and patience on my part



        • #5
          HWGA (Here We Go Again!)

          Join the MURC SETI team! | SETI @ MURC

          Don't get even — get odd!

          [This message has been edited by Guru (edited 20 November 2000).]
          According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


          • #6
            You want opinions? Try the Shark Tank.

            I'm out.


            • #7
              He he...
              Well I actually have all the hard stomach I need since I had my g400 for a year, and used this forum extensively thank you very much!! There is good help one can get from Murc so don't misunderstand, but I kind of wanna give a little kick in the butt to the Matrox development team:-)
              Joe Lianes


              • #8
                Like your post GURU!
                But I've been using this forum for over a year, and I would hardly call myself a newbie to hardware since I ripped of my pc beeper and soldered on RCA jacks on my 386 motherboard 8 years ago The sound was awesome:-)
                Joe Lianes


                • #9
                  As Jorden said your post was moved over to a more appropriate forum, unfortunately it got corrupted as they quite often do when being moved. I'm not sure if it's the software or this 386 that the site is housed on that's to blame.

                  The murc has always been a very open site and I have criticised Matrox plenty myself, it is not murc policy to censor anybody unless they are being offensive or deliberately trolling. All I ask is that people post to an appropriate forum.


                  • #10
                    Ok Ant I understand
                    Well flaming time is over
                    Joe Lianes

