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Crossroads of computer life

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  • Crossroads of computer life

    We stand at the crossroads in a time of high unrest.
    All I can do is survey the market out there, unfortunately it doesn’t look good.
    We all seem to be blindly following a company who are falling behind their competitors and who, for all we know, are fully pulling out of the gaming market for a year or so.
    To be honest, over the past week or so I have woken up, smelt the coffee and suddenly I’m looking around again.
    I’m not taking that “blinked” views of the gaming graphics card market the way so many of us have in the past.
    When the last generation of graphics cards were announced and started to make their way onto the market I had no doubt in my eyes which card I was going to buy.
    After being both a Millennium & Mystique 220 owner, the G400 MAX was the only card for me.
    I must also admit that it has been a fun 18 months.
    For 12 of those 18 months I have had a card that can compete with the best of them, despite it’s age.
    I could even sit back and have a laugh when such issues as Diablo II slow-downs being a Nvidia issue only.
    Chuckle at the crazy driver release schedule by the likes of Nvidia; “I have a problem with this game”
    “Have you tried today’s 9:00am drivers as the 4:46pm ones are a little flakey.
    Suddenly I find myself looking at the horizon, I can just about make something out in the sunlight, I know that if I follow the path I am on I will eventually get to it.
    The problem is, once I get there it might be useless for what I want, it might be a business card that I spend the next 6 months walking towards on my current path.
    To the left & right of me I can see glittery things.
    A path leading to Radeon by ATI, a new path, but one that seems to have had quite a few people go down it.
    A path leading to Nvidia, a well walked path, but there is something ‘eerie’ about this path, as if there are things we can’t see, things you can’t be sure of.
    Finally a path leading to 3DFX, the horizon shows that although this single track towards 3DFX stops a few miles down the road, suddenly it branches into many smaller ones.

    I stand at this crossroads, I can actually hear the callings “GTS2, NV20 soon, Radeon, Radeon MAXX soon, VooDoo4, VooDoo5 soon.”
    The problem is, I hear no calling from my current path, is it time to make a change?
    It cost one penny to cross, or one hundred gold pieces if you had a billygoat.
    Trolls might not be quick thinkers but they don't forget in a hurry, either

  • #2
    those callings you are experiencing are one of the signs of schizophrenia! could it be G800 psychosis???
    seriously though,I know where you're coming from!!


    • #3
      I´m at the same position, I have to choose if I want to walk another x months out in the desert or just take the easy path to ATI.


      • #4
        Just to let you all know...

        1-3DFX will only concentrate on the OEM market, they cancelled the Voodoo 5 6000 for that reason

        2-ATI, no matter what they do, they still cannot produce Win2000 drivers for any of their products.

        3-Nvidia, Has major problems with DX 8.0 right now, they don't concentrate on quality and the product life is too short, th MX's dual head is a joke.

        I know there's alot of rumors about the G800, I personally don't belive any of that crap until I hear it from Matrox, I just hope they announce something soon.



        • #5

          If you need a new video card, then buy a new video card.</P>

          If Matrox doesn't have a produce that will suit your needs, find one that will.</P>

          Loyalty is great in pets, but you are not a pet. You are a consumer. You should pick the product that works best for you.</P>

          Apparently you are a gamer. In the past, Matrox has sold cards that were suited to gamers. They aren't doing that right now. So, go to a company that is.</P>

          Right now all of Matrox's products are suited to "real work". If what you need is a sharp image that you can stare at all day, and/or good dual-head, then the Matrox G450 is for you. If what you want is a good frame rate and not too shabby image quality, go with the Radeon. If you want frame rate above all else, go GeForce 2.</P>

          Matrox doesn't need your loyalty. They've found other customers and will do quite well with them. So should you find other manufacturers. No need for emotional attachments, it's just business.</P>

          P.S. Believe it or not, I just bought a G450 16MB to improve my Q3A framerate, replacing a G200 8MB. The G4xx series is the fastest 3D card that will work under FreeBSD (a lesser-known sibling of Linux) because Nvidea doesn't really want to play the open-source game (closed-source Linux kernel driver), and the Radeon drivers for DRI aren't available yet.</P>


          • #6
            Yea, the fact is, Matrox don't have to care about retail opinion. ATi have been doing great for years despite selling retail s***. It doesn't particularly matter how bad they look to us, they are probably doing well with OEM deals. We can only hope that they are doing just that, and can afford to develop a new, higher performance, card.


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