Hey everyone! My mother just got my brother's old computer, and while going over a few things tonight, I noticed that while loading web pages with images for backgrounds (including my own!), the background would often overwrite any text on the screen if the background was not drawn first. Also, when clicking on links to images, the image would appear cut in half or something, or cut in up to five different segments. If the image was larger than the screen, and you use the scroll bar to move up and down, and part of the image which at one point went of the screen, would completely disappear. Very odd. This in IE5.
While going through the settings, I noticed several peculiar things. The monitor is ancient, a CTX CPS1560 or something. In the advanced properties of the Mystique power desk, there were only two options for refresh rate, optimal, and Matrox monitor. If I chose Matrox monitor, I got 72 or 73 or 75 Hz, all of which I believe are too high (my Daewoo 15" maxes out at 60 Hz in any resolution). Also, running at over 800 x 600 makes the monitor look like it's about to crap out - one side of the screen is much brighter than the other and there's a shimmering/flickering quality to the output. Not that even the regular output looks good, looks like crap actually, but it WAS free.
I believe the drivers are more than likely all the original, or at the very latest, a couple years old. A new monitor is certainly on the list for the first upgrade for my mom, but I thought I'd toss this out and see if this is a problem which may have a temporary fix. I know the Mystique is just ancient, so video card is probably next in line.
With that in mind, what's the cheapest Matrox card for someone who will be going graphic design, web surfing, and email? My mom does absolutely NO 3D gaming. Heck, I will even have to check if this machine has an AGP slot, might need a PCI. I'm still hoping it can take my 64M of 72 pin SIMMS though, she only has 64M now.
I can try and convince her to get a G450 and make use of the dual head (seems like to me that could be very useful for graphic design type stuff!), but to her $90 is a huge amount of money to spend on a piece of computer hardware...
Sorry to ramble on so long. If you had seen the picture on this machine, you'd feel very sorry for my mom too, I think I'd go blind trying to look at it! My ATI Rage II+ and Daewoo monitor kicked this thing's butt all the way to Tim-Buk-Tu.
While going through the settings, I noticed several peculiar things. The monitor is ancient, a CTX CPS1560 or something. In the advanced properties of the Mystique power desk, there were only two options for refresh rate, optimal, and Matrox monitor. If I chose Matrox monitor, I got 72 or 73 or 75 Hz, all of which I believe are too high (my Daewoo 15" maxes out at 60 Hz in any resolution). Also, running at over 800 x 600 makes the monitor look like it's about to crap out - one side of the screen is much brighter than the other and there's a shimmering/flickering quality to the output. Not that even the regular output looks good, looks like crap actually, but it WAS free.

I believe the drivers are more than likely all the original, or at the very latest, a couple years old. A new monitor is certainly on the list for the first upgrade for my mom, but I thought I'd toss this out and see if this is a problem which may have a temporary fix. I know the Mystique is just ancient, so video card is probably next in line.
With that in mind, what's the cheapest Matrox card for someone who will be going graphic design, web surfing, and email? My mom does absolutely NO 3D gaming. Heck, I will even have to check if this machine has an AGP slot, might need a PCI. I'm still hoping it can take my 64M of 72 pin SIMMS though, she only has 64M now.
I can try and convince her to get a G450 and make use of the dual head (seems like to me that could be very useful for graphic design type stuff!), but to her $90 is a huge amount of money to spend on a piece of computer hardware...
Sorry to ramble on so long. If you had seen the picture on this machine, you'd feel very sorry for my mom too, I think I'd go blind trying to look at it! My ATI Rage II+ and Daewoo monitor kicked this thing's butt all the way to Tim-Buk-Tu.