Originally posted by Joel:
Our NDAs expire 5 years from the date of issue and they are related to the drivers we test. So therefore Matrox doesn't tell us anything about new hardware until they are ready for us to test it, by then everyone knows what is going on. Sorry about this guys but we have been speculating right along with y'all and as Maggie said 'adding fuel to the fire'. Hasn't this been fun?
Our NDAs expire 5 years from the date of issue and they are related to the drivers we test. So therefore Matrox doesn't tell us anything about new hardware until they are ready for us to test it, by then everyone knows what is going on. Sorry about this guys but we have been speculating right along with y'all and as Maggie said 'adding fuel to the fire'. Hasn't this been fun?
Originally posted by Kruzin:
The BB team that hangs here at MURC are DRIVERS beta boys. We don't get unreleased hardware, and next to no info on it. I learned more from the G450 press release than I did from the beta program. That's not to say we don't know anything at all...just that much of our vision of what's to come is based neaarly as much on speculation as the rest of you. We did not get our G400s from Matrox until they where "officially released" (granted, ours came from batch #1, well before Joe Public could get them).
The BB team that hangs here at MURC are DRIVERS beta boys. We don't get unreleased hardware, and next to no info on it. I learned more from the G450 press release than I did from the beta program. That's not to say we don't know anything at all...just that much of our vision of what's to come is based neaarly as much on speculation as the rest of you. We did not get our G400s from Matrox until they where "officially released" (granted, ours came from batch #1, well before Joe Public could get them).
Originally posted by Joel:
"I am under a NDKA, "No, Don't Know Anything"."
Oh so true.
"I am under a NDKA, "No, Don't Know Anything"."
Oh so true.
Originally posted by Ant:
I'm not under any NDA, Matrox won't give me any info but my Far East contacts have
I'm not under any NDA, Matrox won't give me any info but my Far East contacts have

[This message has been edited by Liquid Snake (edited 25 November 2000).]