my mouse leaves a trail in Maya 3.0 ! if I disable dualhead, it works properly, does any one know how to fix it, so it works fine with dualhead?
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problem with g400 at dualhead and Maya 3.0
I tried using a G400 for Maya 3, and I'm sorry to say that it sucked! I had the same problems, including the one you described, not to mention ASS SLOW, even on an Athlon 850. I replaced the card w/ a Geforce 2MX card and have had much better success (both much faster and no screen anomalies). Image quality isn't quite as good, but at least their OpenGL drivers work on professional apps. Not to mention, hardware renders are 10x what they were with the G400 (no joke!). I don’t think Matrox will ever get their OpenGL drivers figured out, at least not on anything other than games. IMHO, games are great, but when 3D work needs to get done, this is NOT the card.
Sorry. I've had a G200 and for a long time at home, and I tried a G400 at work and it burned me. Don't get me wrong, it's a GREAT card, but not in this situation. Bottom line. I found another home for it in a Photoshop machine. I just hope they sort this out someday (for the G8000 or whatever), but we've been saying this about the GL drivers for how long??
Deep Sigh!! Tis all too true. At least in my experience that is! Mind you that doesn't mean I don't like my G400. Not at ALL....I've just learned to accept it's "limitations".
<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" width="285" height="123" border="0"><br>:: how jedi are you? ::</a>
I know you will probably hate me for this but,
I just changed my G400 for a Radeon32DDR and
i must say that Matrox WILL make and sell
a G800 VERY soon. On an Athlon900 i do
5144 in 3Dmark and 74FPS QuakeIII 1024x768
all MAX w/sound at MAX. 96FPS at 800x600.
The thing that is even more scary is that the
G200 was really alone in terms of image quality
but this Radeon is so close, its not even funny...
A have always been a fan of Matrox, especially
if you have a 19" plus screen. Nothing looks
like a G400 but now even ATI is rippin it
with nVidia in terms of FPS...
Come on Matrox, is my next card a G800Max of
a RadeonMAXX?