matrox need to deliver a new card to appease its devotees. it needs to deliver good gaming performance-better than the g400 MAX and at a resonable price before the g800 and all of its variations comes along. i believe that they could do this using the g450. firstly they could widen the 64 bit bus into a 128 bit bus. this would unleash the DDR RAM which we know can be clocked to 200 (therefore 400mhz). with some heatsinks a'la geforce ultra this could be pushed further. the core has a shrunken die compared to the g400 so it neeeds no active hsf. however if a large active hsf was placed on the core then we could see speeds of 180mhz +. all this could be kept to a resonable cost due to the g450's already low price tag and it would prove a fast, feature packed card especially if teamed with a processor of over 800mhz.
this is a card we all need so why don't matrox give it to us?
this is a card we all need so why don't matrox give it to us?