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DVD and G400 max?

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  • #16
    Oops hehehehe how about just regular computer screen output? 1024? higher?
    darn maybe I should get a net stream 2000 decoder card and use those component outputs

    P3 450@525 256RAM
    G400DH32MB 190-142
    MSI K7t2pro Duron750@900
    G400DH32MB 190-142


    • #17
      Well I couldn't resist. Today I was doing some Christmas shopping and I wandered over to the DVD's and snatched up Reservoir Dogs. Not necessarily a very DVD type of movie, but its my favorite and it came with STANDARD on one side and WIDESCREEN on the other. Gonna try it on my 14" monitor and an older 20" RCA TV.

      I am gonna pick up a 19" Monitor maybe on boxing day or something.


      • #18
        Well I tried the DVD max feature and WOW! I hooked up a 12 year old RCA 20" TV and the picture looked very good. I have often seen DVD's playing at the Sony store and the colour is too saturated and white were washed out. I think somethings wrong there, because the picture on my 20" TV actually looked like a normal VCR picture. Of course it looked better than that really, but what I mean is, the picture had a nice soft look to it. No exagerated sharpness or anything else wierd or annoying.

        I think what I'm going to do is this. I'm picking up a good 19" monitora and in the next 6 months I'll get the best 27-32" TV I possibley can afford. I think TV's bigger than 32" look crappy and loose their sharpness at todays resolutions.

        Reservoir Dogs was a nice DVD to get. It has both widescreen and standard. The only thing I didn't like was the lack of 'behind the scenes' features. I think DVD's should have more of that stuff.

        [This message has been edited by ccoltas (edited 25 December 2000).]


        • #19
          Grab a copy of PowerDVD 3 if you can find it on the net.. ;-)

          It has Dolby Headphone support which simulates 5.1 audio with standard headphones!

          <A HREF="">PowerDVD company</A>

          • Box 2:
          • operating system: FreeBSD 4.1
          • CPU: Intel Pentium 60
          • memory: 32 MB
          • hard drive: Quantum Fireball 1 GB



          • #20
            does the matrox DVD software on the G400 disk work under win2K? It didn't show up as an option to install from the autorun menu.

            If it doesn't work, which DVD player do you folks use under win2K? I just received a lovely Toshiba DVD-ROM for X-mas from my even more lovely wife.

            System: P4 2.4, 512k 533FSB, Giga-Byte GA-8PE667 Ultra, 1024MB Corsair XMS PC333, Maxtor D740x 60GB, Turtle Beach Santa Cruz, PCPower&Cooling Silencer 400.

            Capture Drives (for now): IBM 36LZX 9.1, Quantum Atlas 10KII 9.1 on Adaptec 29160


            • #21
              Well i think that the best DVD software player is Cinemaster!
              The DVD player bundled with G400 is based on Cinemaster 99 engine that have some playing troubles with MPEG2 decription and image quality.
              The player bundled with G450 is based on Cinemaster 2000 engine that solved this problems.
              Now, where can i download Matrox G450 DVD player?
              Matrox please give us an update!
              ATHLON XP 2600; Abit KX7-333Raid; 1GB SDRAM DDR PC-3200 Corsair XMS; Matrox Parhelia AGP 256; HITACHI 7K250 250GB; HITACHI 120GXP 120GB; HITACHI 120GXP 60GB; Sound Blaster Audigy 2; Plextor DVDRW PX-716A; Plextor CDRW Premium


              • #22
                I m searching someone that bought G450 and uploaded on the web the DVD player!
                Give me the link please if you know it!
                ATHLON XP 2600; Abit KX7-333Raid; 1GB SDRAM DDR PC-3200 Corsair XMS; Matrox Parhelia AGP 256; HITACHI 7K250 250GB; HITACHI 120GXP 120GB; HITACHI 120GXP 60GB; Sound Blaster Audigy 2; Plextor DVDRW PX-716A; Plextor CDRW Premium


                • #23
                  The bundled software DVD player does not work in Win2k...but a lot of others do. Myself...I gave up on software decoding for Win2k (ALL of them had problems of one sort or another..) and bought a Hollywood+ and a cool remote for the H+ that plugs into the serial port. No problems...little CPU usage...remote control...AND I've found a little proggie that allows me to turn off Macrovision. What more could you ask for?


                  • #24
                    <<Grab a copy of PowerDVD 3 if you can find it on the net.. ;-)
                    It has Dolby Headphone support which simulates 5.1 audio with standard headphones!>>

                    Yes, I didn't think 5.1 could sound like much with regular headphones, but WOW! Saw Talking Heads' Stop Making Sense earlier tonight, there's a "Studio Mix 5.1" option in audio setup. It's astounding..

