I just tried the Sense8 <a href="http://www.sense8.com/support/indy3d.html">Indy3D</a> v3.0 benchmark on the latest Matrox OpenGL ICD and this test seems to indicate that the Matrox OpenGL ICD is only storing textures using 16 bits.
This results in a noticable banding textures in the image quality test. An example of this can be seen <a href="http://www.sense8.com/indy3d/Help/texcolspc2.jpg">here</a>.
The test results report the following which shows that the driver is reporting 32 display colors.
Graphics Driver: 1.1.3 Dec 15 2000
Color Depth 24 bits
Z Buffer depth 32 bits
OpenGL PFD: ID[15], Color[32], Z[32], DB[1], Stereo[0], Stencil[0], Alpha[0]
Is anyone else seeing the same thing with these latest drivers?
This results in a noticable banding textures in the image quality test. An example of this can be seen <a href="http://www.sense8.com/indy3d/Help/texcolspc2.jpg">here</a>.
The test results report the following which shows that the driver is reporting 32 display colors.
Graphics Driver: 1.1.3 Dec 15 2000
Color Depth 24 bits
Z Buffer depth 32 bits
OpenGL PFD: ID[15], Color[32], Z[32], DB[1], Stereo[0], Stencil[0], Alpha[0]
Is anyone else seeing the same thing with these latest drivers?