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Tom does the RT2000!

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  • Tom does the RT2000!

    aka, another thread for Toms Hardware bashing...

    linkage is <a href="">here</a>.

    Doesn't seem to be *that* bad of a review, acctually.
    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz

  • #2
    "Matrox promised to releases them by the end of this year. Well, they have only a couple of hours left..."

    Geesh what idiots... Microshaft also promised fixes that still haven't appeared in any SP update and that could have made Win2K video editing possible. But then Matrox never said they would be supporting those OS platforms. Tom's typical "lets find any trivial fault possible" D'oh!
    "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." -- Dr. Seuss

    "Always do good. It will gratify some and astonish the rest." ~Mark Twain


    • #3
      Whenever anyone dares to have some, however small, criticism against Matrox products, there´s always some nuthead popping up with the usual declaration: "what an idiot!", and then filling in with stories of other companies guilty of more severe shortcomings (as if this would render Matrox´s faults less noteworthy).

      Girls, I´m truly tired of you.
      May you end with this year.



      • #4
        Awww...comeon Ruby, just because you are sexually attracted to them doesn't mean they are girls



        • #5
          Hmm, projection?


          • #6
            rubank whatever your feelings are the fact is the Matrox Video Products Group have made no statement on the release date of Win 2K support for the RT2000, I know I've been asking them for months. Doesn't matter whether it is Tom, Dick or Harry saying it.


            • #7
              Sorry, Byron, not projection.

              I agree that win2k drivers should be a priority with the RT2000, but what do I know?



              • #8
                Sure, I believe you.

                As for what you know, let's have a look at what you have posted in these forums to date:

                "Amiga Blitter" is that some new type of acid?
                You been partaking in some acid lately?
                You are so clever. Your mom must be proud.
                I vote for the Dynamic Dingbats getting off this island
                Hey Indiana, are you a proctologist by chance?
                Sounds like Rimjob could use some pointers.
                Power Strip can be used for more than just overclocking, so your argument is flawed.
                What in the hell are you babbling about?
                Awww...comeon Ruby, just because you are sexually attracted to them doesn't mean they are girls


                • #9

                  I know this isn´t a release date, but it comes rather close, don´t you think? (And look at the date of that post).


                  • #10

                    You forgot to show the whole post, and what they were referring to, and didn't show the 's afterwards. Anyhow, I have said worse, I think I even bashed Sony pretty hard. I am not concerned with suave bantering. I just think that some idiotic comments deserve an equally idiotic response And with some people around here, it's not that hard to run across them

                    Come on, you can find better than that. After all you, the "Evil Genius", should be able to find some pretty stank remarks made by myself (no, not Himself, but me, as in Casey Jones).


                    Drivin' That Train....


                    • #11
                      Only thing is tom didn't write the article...

                      "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                      • #12
                        Well, Matrox's track record so far with Win2K is pretty awful.. they couldn't even deliver a silly DVD player for it, despite continuous promises.

                        Who can blame reviewers for being a little skeptical?


                        • #13
                          Hi Frank,

                          I would have to disagree with you in regards to G400 win2k support. Matrox was the first to deliver a full set of drivers for their flagship card under win2k, and they have done well in keeping the drivers updated, and fixing bugs. We now have a monitor settings tab, something that no other consumer card has right now in win2k, and they have unified a lot of their code between win9x and win2k to make the updates more graceful, and as a side benefit gives us the option of using other ICD's from other driver packages, including later win9x ones.

                          The DVD software was not produced by Matrox, it was bundled with G400 as part of the retail package.



                          • #14
                            Hi Rags, yes the monitor settings tab is very good. But compare the D3D/OGL options between Matrox and ATI or Nvidia, you'll get some idea of the gap in other areas.

                            As for the DVD player, lying to your customers for a year is never good business practice. If Matrox was unable to deliver they should have just said so, not keep promising one "soon".


                            • #15
                              What D3D/OGL options specifically are you talking about? And you bring up ATI? Come on. Their win2k drivers are HORRIBLE.


