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Customised resolutions in Win2k

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  • Customised resolutions in Win2k

    Does anyone know if I can create a customised resolution of 1400*1050 in win2k. I have just tried this in Win98 on my G400 and liked it so much that i have decided to use it as standard on my 19" Mitsubishi.

    regards MD
    Interests include:
    Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries

  • #2
    I'm using that right now on my G400 in Win2k.. much sharper on my 19" than the 1600x1200 resolution and almost the same desktop area as 1600x1200.

    Use MTSTU to create custom resolutions.


    • #3
      Thanks dZeus
      I'll give it a try

      regards MD
      Interests include:
      Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


      • #4
        hello dZeus
        I have tried the app but unfortunately after rebooting win2k the resolution was nowhere to be seen. As Viz would say, "Baxter Basics" when I get home tonight.

        regards MD
        Interests include:
        Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


        • #5
          For PD5.10 and newer you'll need v3 of the resolution manager! I'm not sure which version is on the utility page of MURC. If it is an older version, you'll have to do a search.

          I can send it by e-mail too, if you wish.


          • #6
            Like Randy said, you can try version 3 of the Powerdesk Resolution Manager, available here:

            <a href=""></a>

            Ant hasn't updated the links on the MURC to this version yet.

            If this still doesn't work, try customizing the monitor settings on the Monitor Settings tab. You may need to enable the new resolution there before it appears as a usable resolution in Win2k.

            Mark Veneziano

            [This message has been edited by MarkV (edited 24 January 2001).]
            Mark Veneziano


            • #7
              Thanks chaps
              I'm away for the weekend but will try this Sunday evening when I get back.

              regards MD
              Interests include:
              Computing, Reading, Pubs, Restuarants, Pubs, Curries, More Pubs and more Curries


              • #8
                Doh! I'm way behind with my links.


                • #9
                  No big deal, Ant. The MURC is still the best Matrox site around! Keep it up!!

                  Mark Veneziano
                  Mark Veneziano

