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It´s only happening here, or all win2k 5.3x drivers disable AGP?

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  • #16
    So now we´ve got 3 reports (me, bradwark and DentyCracker) that 5.3x disable AGP texturing.

    Curiously enough all of us are using Athlon/VIA systems. It works for DGhost and dZeus, but they are using Intel based systems.

    [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 26 January 2001).]

    [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 26 January 2001).]


    • #17
      28a is a beta release of the 4in1 so it may have issues, although it uses the same 4.04 AGP driver as 25. I haven't tried 5.2x as lack of agp is not a problem as stated above. It is however a problem on my primary system or at least will be once I reinstall Win2K Pro there. I wonder if I needed to ensure that the ms patch (which is part of SP2) is properly installed. Haven't tried the mtx (hehe) TSU 4.14 yet, will do so when win2K is reinstalled on me rig. 5.33 is the only matrox driver installed ever on the above server
      Ryzen: Asrock B450M Pro4, Ryzen 5 2600, 16GB G-Skill Ripjaws V Series DDR4 PC4-25600 RAM, 1TB Seagate SATA HD, 256GB myDigital PCIEx4 M.2 SSD, Samsung LI24T350FHNXZA 24" HDMI LED monitor, Klipsch Promedia 4.2 400, Win11
      Home: M1 Mac Mini 8GB 256GB
      Surgery: HP Stream 200-010 Mini Desktop,Intel Celeron 2957U Processor, 6 GB RAM, ADATA 128 GB SSD, Win 10 home ver 22H2
      Frontdesk: Beelink T4 8GB


      • #18
        OK, I tested A7V bios 1005a last night but got the same results as 1005c - AGP texturing not available under Dxdiag, "Sacrifice" reports no AGP, and 3DMark 2000 lists the G400 as a PCI card with 29MB texture memory available (I believe it should be 48MB under win2k: 32MB local + 16MB system RAM).

        Nuno, I posted to about two weeks ago. BosnianX had the same problem with the A7V and Win2K. It appears he reformatted with WinME and everything then worked. I'll check out the A7V forums. Here's the link:

        Oh, BTW, I am using Matrox bios 1.9-33. I have also tried different aperture sizes in the A7V bios, and I installed a TNT (reports fine under Dxdiag).



        • #19
          Ha! I've had that AGP greyed out problem for very long time now, and gave up on even asking. Every answer and solution is wrong, for me. I just flat gave up, hoping that sokme future release driver wil fix it. Win98, Marvel G400. Abit BE6 MB. Etc, etc.

          Steven S. Palmer

          My Photo Website (someday it will be finished):

          Hub 5-8 Port 10 Base-T(Soho brand)
          USB HUB with power Indicator lights
          Computer #1

          Surfboard SB2100D cable modem

          HP OfficeJet Pro 1175Cse 4/1 printer/Scanner/Fax/copier
          HP Photo Scanner
          Video Camcorder (digital):
          JVC GR-DVF31U

          Pentium PIII450
          Abit BE6 MB
          128MB Ram
          3Com NIC
          WD 30.7 Gig HD
          Matrox Marvel G400 Video Card
          Mitsumi 4801-TE CD-R
          Panasonic 32X CDrom
          SBLive Sound Card
          Aspect 30/40 Speakers
          @Home Cable (currently 1-way)
          Boca 56K modem
          Saitek X36 USB Combo Flight Controls
          2COOLPC-PLUS Cooler
          Shamrock 17" Monitor
          Pentium Celeron 300a
          Soyo 6BA+IV MB
          128MB Ram
          Maxtor 13.6 Gig HD
          Matrox Mystique G200 Video Card
          Shamrock 15" monitor
          Toshiba SD-M1402 DVD CDRom
          SBLive Sound Card
          Aspect 30/40 Speakers
          @Home Cable (currently 1-way)
          MS Precision Pro Joystick
          3Com NIC
          Boca 56K modem

          My Photo Website (they really clipped the free goodies, badly):

          D-Link Router
          USB HUB with power Indicator lights
          Computer #1
          Com21 Cable Modem

          HP OfficeJet Pro 1175Cse 4/1 printer/Scanner/Fax/copier
          HP Photo Scanner
          Video Camcorder (digital):
          JVC GR-DVF31U


          my computer profile:


          F4, IL-2FB, EAW, CFS2

          Ramstein's Computer:
          Asus P4P800 Deluxe 800 FSB
          P4 2.4c 800 FSB CPU
          256 PC3200 Kingston DDR Ram
          PowMax case with 400 Watt Power Suply
          ATI Radeon 9000 64MB
          Saitek X36 USB Flight Control Stick
          Windows XP Pro
          Shamrock 17" Monitor (old but still working perfect).
          Mitsumi 4801TE 4x8CDRom Drive Burner
          Panasonic 32x CDRom Drive
          2Cool PC Cooler (Fan)


          My New computer
          F4, IL-2FB, EAW, CFS2

          Ramstein's Computer:
          Asus P4P800 Deluxe 800 FSB
          P4 2.4c 800 FSB CPU
          256 PC3200 Kingston DDR Ram
          PowMax case with 400 Watt Power Suply
          Matrox Marvel G400 Video Card (old but good).
          Saitek X36 USB Flight Control Stick
          Windows XP Pro
          Shamrock 17" Monitor (old but still working perfect).
          Mitsumi 4801TE 4x8CDRom Drive Burner
          Panasonic 32x CDRom Drive
          2Cool PC Cooler (Fan)


          Asus P4P800 Deluxe MB
          P4 2.4c 800 FSB CPU
          Windows XP pro Full
          = $455 shipped

          Kingston PC3200 Daul DDR Ram 128 MB x (2) = $70 shipped

          Maxtor 120 GB Hard Drive $120 - $60 in rebates = $60

          PowMax case with P4 400 Watt Power Supply = $30 out the door.

          Total = $615
          the rest I already had..



          • #20
            I had a similar problem with the last release of the drivers - I won't even discuss the problems I had with a via board, but have you tried the netmeeting desktop sharing fix as discribed in the matrox faq sheets?

            fixed the same problem for me on a bx board
            Juu nin to iro

            English doesn't borrow from other languages. It follows them down dark alleys, knocks them over, and goes through their pockets for loose grammar.


            • #21
              There is also an AMD patch if i remember correctly. lemme see if i can find it real quick...

              also have you tried the latest official VIA drivers on via's site? instead of the 4.28 beta drivers? I just noticed that i downloaded but didn't install the 4.28 drivers. pretty sure i have the 4.25 drivers installed. I have never noticed a difference between going between VIA driver versions. maybe its me tho. Make sure to remove the oem*.inf entries that contain the AGP driver while doing this.

              And it would appear the AMD one is a reg patch. blah. I do believe i saw one that was not a reg patch, but i cannot find it anymore. my system is intel based so i never paid attention.

              DentyCracker: try it with the version of the VIA drivers included on the EPoX disk. I have had good luck with the drivers they release.

              And wow i'm tired... may think about this more at work tomorrow. i may take my G400MAX and see if i can replicate this on one of the 8TKA+/3's that we have. probably wouldn't get a chance to because sats are always killer days for retail.

              Edit: Also, just try running Netmeeting and then closing it.

              [This message has been edited by DGhost (edited 27 January 2001).]
              "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


              • #22
                DXdiag also reports that AGP texture acceleration is disabled on my machine, its an Abit KT7-raid and i'm using a G200.

                Using the uninstaller and going back to newest pre 5.3x drivers (that's 5.14) then DXdiag reports AGP enabled. Using uninstaller again and going to 5.33 results in AGP being reported as disabled again.

                BUT the best framerate I can achieve in Q3A demo001 is 44fps using 5.14 drivers. Using 5.33 drivers I can get 65fps! Even when I turn up texture detail from the lowest setting to the highest, I still get 48fps using 5.33.

                So i'm not sure that AGP texture acceleration is _actually_ being disabled. 65 fps is a pretty respectable score for a 2 year old 8MB graphics card doncha think?


                • #23
                  with the 5.20 drivers the OpenGL speed in Win2k was increased greatly... if those drivers work fine, try them


                  • #24
                    Just got back from work. It seems the issue is in the 5.3x drivers when using an athlon/duron. different drivers for the AGP controller didn't do anything, including the VIA and Microsoft drivers for the VIA northbridge. It seems that AGP Texturing in the drivers is disabled. i didn't get a chance to test OpenGL, but it does appear to affect DirectX. System as tested:

                    EPoX 8KTA+ w/ 1/10/2001 bios and using onboard sound
                    Athlon 1.1ghz
                    2x128mb Micron PC133 SDRAM
                    Matrox G400 MAX w/ latest bios
                    IBM 20GB HDD, ATA66 (older drive) as primary master
                    Memorex 12x cd-rom drive as secondary master
                    Zip 100 IDE as secondary slave
                    Mitsumi FDD as A:
                    Clean install of Win2k SP1
                    Tested w/ DirectX 8.0a and 7.0
                    Tested VIA drivers 4.25a and 4.28 beta, as well as Microsofts AGP driver
                    Used PowerDesk 5.33 drivers
                    All other drivers were Win2k default
                    ACPI disabled in BIOS and Win2k installed in non ACPI mode, PNP mode enabled, card running @ AGP 4x (verified with MTSU) and system free of IRQ conflicts.

                    While AGP texturing seems to be disabled, UT did run fast on the 1.1ghz =)
                    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                    • #25
                      I wouldn´t give a damn about AGP, is just that if it´s disabled (curiously enough) OpenGl performance suffers the most. Like any game that uses Q2 engine (HL, TFC, HL-opposing force) stutters like hell, being almost unplayable. I mean, 40 fps at 640x480x16 Q2 demo1.dm2 with a TB-900 and G400 150/200 is just not cutting it.

                      And it´s related to AGP, because if I disable AGP in 5.20 drivers (It´s possible, editing Mga.AGPFlags to 00 00 00 00) the result is exactly the same.

                      It´s just that in 5.3x drivers I can´t get AGP back, no matter what value I set Mga.AGPFlags to...

                      [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 28 January 2001).]


                      • #26
                        Have you tried mixing drivers?

                        Try it! It's fun and educational too!


                        • #27
                          As dZeus said: use the 5.20 drivers. if they work correctly, use them.

                          just because it has the highest number on it doesn't mean its the best.

                          Hell, i had to use the 5.06 drivers for the longest time because the 5.1x series would crash on startup on my system. 5.2 resolved it.

                          All you can do is use an older driver and wait until new ones get released, hoping they fix it.
                          "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


                          • #28
                            One more guy with the same problem. Guess what? He´s using an Athlon/KT 133combo.


                            Edit: Did´t see DGhost post

                            I know that. I´m using 5.20 and I don´t have any particular complain about it (weel, maybe win9x 6.10 similar performance would be nice ).
                            I know that anything past 5.14 drivers is beta but I´m only trying to point what seems to be a bug in 5.3x drivers that prevent AGP from being used with Athlon/Duron systems. Matrox forum tech guys, although nice and helpfull as ever, are rather clueless about it, so they don´t know about this particular subject. So I think we should all post there this problem hoping they acknowedgle it and fix it on a next driver release. And they didn´t from 5.31 to 5.33.

                            [This message has been edited by Nuno (edited 28 January 2001).]


                            • #29
                              Just wanted to add another report of the same problem. 5.33 disables AGP texturing according to Dxdiag on my DUron/KT7/G400 setup. Going back to 5.20 fixed the problem. Aren't there any BB's with AMD CPUs (Greebe?)...


                              Abit KT7, Duron 700@900, G400 32MB DualHead, 256MB RAM, Maxtor 20 GB,
                              WD136BA 13.4 GB, SBLive! Value.
                              Running RedHat 7.0 and Windows 98SE.
                              Porsche: MSI K7N2-L, Athlon XP 2100+, G400 32MB DualHead, 1G RAM, 2xMaxtor 20 GB, Gentoo Linux
                              Quicksilver: HP Omnibook 500, PIII 700 MHz, 512MB RAM, 30GB, RedHat Linux 9.


                              • #30
                                Yah, the MTS people have a certain amount of stuff they have to do before hand. i tried to post on that thread but go figure, you can't unless Matrox is open ;P
                                "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz

