This brings up a theory I've got. When you have a onsite replacement you don't get a new monitor just one from a pile thats been returned from a overfussy user (In there eyes) and just meets the specs.
Out of 3 different 19 inch monitors I had eight replacements. One I sold becuase the image lacks focus compaired to the previous one that died a natural depth and I knew I'd get a shit replacement. In the meantime the brand new monitor was doa it's replacement was blurry down one side the replacement for that had a clear picture but couldn't sync between different display modes (useless in games) plus the geomentry was out and couldn't be adjusted. The replacemnet for that ghosted so that ended up on my second pc which sits in the corner. Couldn't afford any more time of work waiting for a replacement. The others I've sent back were just plainly out of focus.
At the moment I'm using a NEC 950 which I saw before I bought the others where mail order.
I'm sure that the apart from the dead ones the others I've sent back will have been sent out to someone else.
Out of 3 different 19 inch monitors I had eight replacements. One I sold becuase the image lacks focus compaired to the previous one that died a natural depth and I knew I'd get a shit replacement. In the meantime the brand new monitor was doa it's replacement was blurry down one side the replacement for that had a clear picture but couldn't sync between different display modes (useless in games) plus the geomentry was out and couldn't be adjusted. The replacemnet for that ghosted so that ended up on my second pc which sits in the corner. Couldn't afford any more time of work waiting for a replacement. The others I've sent back were just plainly out of focus.
At the moment I'm using a NEC 950 which I saw before I bought the others where mail order.
I'm sure that the apart from the dead ones the others I've sent back will have been sent out to someone else.