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G450 Dualhead - DVDMax Question!

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  • G450 Dualhead - DVDMax Question!

    Hay there..

    Is it possible to LOCK the DVDMax-TvOutput on one window? Lets say I want to play a DivX title with MediaPlayer.. I start it, and the DVDMax works fine until i click on another window (could be a browser, for surfing..).. And the it just stops.. So i figure that I have to make DVDMax LOCK onto the MediaPlayer Window.. How do I do that??

    I'm running Windows 2000 (+SP1)
    on G450 AGP 32mb Dualhead
    ASUS A7V - Athlon Thunderbird 800mhz


  • #2
    DVD-MAX works with overlay video, not through locking or anything. The only thing you can do is ask some 3rd party programmer to make / change a mediaplayer that stops using overlay as soon as you don't have it as the active window instance any more


    • #3
      DVD Max feature is little bit stupid . From 5.20 driver (if i good remember) it works with 2 monitors .. Before it was work only with Monitor + TV .. IT was good .. If U play any video , its played full screen on TV .. But now , if U have 2 monitors try this .. Go to Dualhead settings .. Turn on DVDMax mode .. After it set multicard mode (I was tested it only win2000) .. U got an desktop across 2 monitors .. Its OK .. Now start any video .. Second monitor is plaing full screened video .. Great .. DVD Max feature works too .. BUT ?? Stop this video (close media player) .. And ? secondary monitor is black .. And no desktop on it .. Little bit stupid no ? Is it bug ??


      • #4
        I bought this card under the impression, that I would be able to watch a DVD on my TV while ex. sufing the web?? Isn't that possible in any way??



        • #5
          Yes. Use the included DVD player or another DVD player that support overlay in non displayed window mode, and your TV should display the overlay. Get Cinemaster 2000 and you should be in business. If you bought a Retail G450, Cinemaster 2000 is included on the driver cd that came in the box.



          • #6
            I bought the bulk version. I got the TV-Out cable + a CD. On the CD there is a Matrox DVD player.. Is that the one you are refering to? Hov about PowerDVD 3.0 ?



            • #7
              Hi NetSarC

              Go to the Matrox propertysheet and click on DVDMax Options...

              Select the topmost item: Always scale to fullscreen. That solved it for me

              Good luck,

              Peter Aragon
              Matrox G200, Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 400, Asus P2B 1013, Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 40GB, 128Mb, SBLive Full,
              Hauppauge TV-card, HP8100i burner, Pioneer 10x DVD.

              Peter Aragon
              Matrox Parhelia 128 Retail, Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 454, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, Pentium IV 2.8 GHz 800 MHz FSB, Maxtor 120GB S-ATA, 512MB Mem, SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro, Gigaworks S750 speakers, AOpen DVD-R, Pioneer 16x DVD-106, 3COM 905C Networkcard.


              • #8
                Took some time to edit my signiture

                Peter Aragon
                Matrox G450 DDR 16MB, Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 400, Asus CUSL2-C, Pentium III 1GHz, Maxtor DiamondMax Plus 40 40GB, 256MB, SBLive Platinum 5.1,
                Hauppauge TV-card, Plextor 12/10/32A burner, Pioneer 16x DVD, 3COM 905C Networkcard.
                Peter Aragon
                Matrox Parhelia 128 Retail, Iiyama VisionMaster Pro 454, Asus P4C800 Deluxe, Pentium IV 2.8 GHz 800 MHz FSB, Maxtor 120GB S-ATA, 512MB Mem, SB Audigy 2 ZS Platinum Pro, Gigaworks S750 speakers, AOpen DVD-R, Pioneer 16x DVD-106, 3COM 905C Networkcard.

