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Window corruption in Win2k in Dualhead

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  • Window corruption in Win2k in Dualhead

    Does anyone else have the problem in true dualhead where some windows seem to update themselves incorrectly, namely AOL IMer profile windows and secure websites if you scroll using a scroll wheel mouse?

    Celeron 566 ocd to 850
    128 MG RAM
    G400 Max
    RealMagic Hollywood+
    SB Live Val
    19" ViewSonic GS790
    14" Compaq 1425

  • #2
    I'm seeing window corruption too- in IE (5.5 SP1)

    I didn't see it until this morning- and I've been using IE a lot. Usually my computer gets rebooted at least once a day- but currently it's been up for about 3. I'm wondering if there's some sort of memory leak or something.

    Anyway, I need to revert back to the previous rev of the driver... I'll do that as soon as I have a few minutes...


    • #3
      oh- one more thing, I've always had display problems with my second display in 5.51 (usually have MS Outlook open in it), but the new IE problems I saw this morning were on my primary monitor. The problem was that fonts were all screwed up, the colors were messed up (unless hotmail reverted to some sort of black background!) I opened a few other IEs, and they had the problem too.

