Please don't kick my azz for continuing the GLMarks thread:
I confirm what you think Toecutter; I tried it on a G400 32MB DH O/Ced to 175/233, and frankly, the framerate sucked BIG TIME. Don't forget that the G400 (probably more its drivers...) is not the best OpenGL performer...
But GLMarks is a very rough benchmark: Even on a Radeon LE 32 MB DDR O/C at 222core/222mem with FSAA turned off and HyperZ+Texture Comp. turned on, I get a Max framerate of 60, and a min framerate of 8... But my suspicions that the benchmarks is VERY nVIDIA optimized seem to be true: I tried a G2GTS 32 MB (250core/225mem) with the D3 1050 drivers and a G3
) 64 MB (at 200core/250mem) with the latest NED (they have quite a few bugs, but there are no official G3 drivers yet...) and the results, especially the G3's ones, where IMPRESSIVE (my G3 min scores are around those of my Radeon max scores....) I always test with everything maxed out(colors, textures, details and everything) and the res at 1024x768, and generally, my O/Ced Radeon performs better than the G2GTS @ default speed... (either in OpenGL or D3D... Unreal, Q3A, 3DMarks2k, XLR8R).
My advice on this benchmark: do not take the results too seriously if your not a nVIDIA user: the computer in which the Radeon 32 MB DDR 222core/222mem is installed is a P3 @ 1.2 GHz (8x150) with 256 MB RAM and 1/1 RAM/FSB 1/2 AGP/FSB and GLMarks gave it an AVERAGE grade... My advice on this one: Stick with our good old Q3A Timedemo instead of GLMarks when OpenGL testing; sure the latter looks very nice, but it ain't that representative... For those of you that are lucky enough to have a G3, you'll be able to see it sweat A LOT on monday, as's 3DMarks2001 will be available...
BTW, I'm willing to sell my G3 for $550 US /$800 CAN. (I'm ready to ship it in two days) but be warned: the Sub-15 connector is non-fonctionnal: the DVI connector still works, but if you want to use it with an analog monitor, you'll have to buy a DVI->Analog converter... still interrested? email me! YEah, YOU could be the one owning them all on your block!!!
Francis Beausejour
P.S.: Having a 64 MB card seems to help a lot in GLMarks... Anyone with a Radeon 64 MB or a GeForce 2 MX 64 MB can comfirm this???
What was necessary was done yesterday;
We're currently working on the impossible;
For miracles, we ask for a 24 hours notice ...
[This message has been edited by frankymail (edited 09 March 2001).]
I confirm what you think Toecutter; I tried it on a G400 32MB DH O/Ced to 175/233, and frankly, the framerate sucked BIG TIME. Don't forget that the G400 (probably more its drivers...) is not the best OpenGL performer...
But GLMarks is a very rough benchmark: Even on a Radeon LE 32 MB DDR O/C at 222core/222mem with FSAA turned off and HyperZ+Texture Comp. turned on, I get a Max framerate of 60, and a min framerate of 8... But my suspicions that the benchmarks is VERY nVIDIA optimized seem to be true: I tried a G2GTS 32 MB (250core/225mem) with the D3 1050 drivers and a G3

My advice on this benchmark: do not take the results too seriously if your not a nVIDIA user: the computer in which the Radeon 32 MB DDR 222core/222mem is installed is a P3 @ 1.2 GHz (8x150) with 256 MB RAM and 1/1 RAM/FSB 1/2 AGP/FSB and GLMarks gave it an AVERAGE grade... My advice on this one: Stick with our good old Q3A Timedemo instead of GLMarks when OpenGL testing; sure the latter looks very nice, but it ain't that representative... For those of you that are lucky enough to have a G3, you'll be able to see it sweat A LOT on monday, as's 3DMarks2001 will be available...
BTW, I'm willing to sell my G3 for $550 US /$800 CAN. (I'm ready to ship it in two days) but be warned: the Sub-15 connector is non-fonctionnal: the DVI connector still works, but if you want to use it with an analog monitor, you'll have to buy a DVI->Analog converter... still interrested? email me! YEah, YOU could be the one owning them all on your block!!!
Francis Beausejour
P.S.: Having a 64 MB card seems to help a lot in GLMarks... Anyone with a Radeon 64 MB or a GeForce 2 MX 64 MB can comfirm this???
What was necessary was done yesterday;
We're currently working on the impossible;
For miracles, we ask for a 24 hours notice ...
[This message has been edited by frankymail (edited 09 March 2001).]