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Matrox with TV

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  • Matrox with TV

    I'm still just _going_ to buy a G4x0, and there are some questions not yet aswered. I've got a 14" TV next to my monitor. How can I use them together? I mean, am I able to drag windows to the TV's display or is it limited only to watching DVD-movies (which I can't yet play; I don't have a DVD-reader)?

    AMD K6-2/500 Mhz, A586B (Ali Aladdin V), 128MB 100 Mhz SDRAM, 20GB Maxtor DiamondMAX VL 20, Quantum Fireball EX6.4A, HP 9110i, Creative 32x mx, Intel i740 8 MB (laughter...), SB64PCI, Winbond W940C (or such, 10MB/s), Yakumo EN1570DO (15"), Mice, keyboard and stuff, Kenwood amplifier and stuff, Win98 (seldom), RedHat 7.0 (mostly) (sometimes also BeOS 5)
    Hey, maybe you and I could... you know... [SLAP] Agh!

  • #3
    Hey, maybe you and I could... you know... [SLAP] Agh!


    • #4
      Vastaus ensimmäiseen kysymykseen on: Kyllä, voit esim. käyttää selainta telkkarin näytössä ja kirjoittaa dokumenttia ensimmäisessä näytössä.

      DualHeadissa on valittavana kolme eri moodia:
      DVDMax (DVD-elokuvien ja videoklippien katseluun TV:stä), DualHead Clone (näyttää TV:ssä kopion työpöydästä) ja DualHead Multi-Display (voit käyttää toista monitoria/TV:tä työpöydän jatkeena).

      Kaikkiin näihin voit lisäksi halutessasi liittää DualHead Zoom-toiminnon, jonka avulla voit näyttää toisella näytöllä/TV:llä zoomatun alueen ensimmäisestä näytöstä. Kätevä esim. kuvankäsittelyssä, ei tarvitse koko ajan käyttää zoom-työkalua kun toinen ruutu näyttää koko ajan hiiren osoittimen ympäristön zoomattuna.

      Edit: OK, so here I explain the different DualHead modes, and the DualHead Zoom feature

      [This message has been edited by Tempest (edited 04 April 2001).]


      • #5
        Note that when you use the Sasami2K media player, that you can watch almost any video format on the second monitor in DVD-MAX, when the player is minimized to the taskbar on the primary monitor


        • #6
          O-Yeah! Where can I download that?! (Of course I'd have to buy a G4x0 first... )
          Hey, maybe you and I could... you know... [SLAP] Agh!


          • #7

            in the 'd' section

            sometimes his site is down... it's on my site as well: in the files section

            [This message has been edited by dZeus (edited 05 April 2001).]


            • #8
              *adds a mental notice to visit dzeus's site more*
              Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


              • #9
                That movie player is cool, but is there an english version, too?
                Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


                • #10
                  it _is_ english... just make sure your system locale settings are set to english (united states)
                  but thanks for mentioning this anyway, as I'll include this info on the site

                  [This message has been edited by dZeus (edited 05 April 2001).]


                  • #11
                    hehe.... I've updated my FAQ with quite a bit of stuff as well... it's now in between a FAQ and a tips and tricks section

                    for example, how to switch from tv to monitor on the second output and the other way round, without the need to reboot win2k


                    • #12
                      Of course it is not set to US, because I am european... is there any way to set it manually?
                      Someday, we'll look back on this, laugh nervously and change the subject.


                      • #13
                        I've got it set to US... what's the difference anyway? You can change all the settings manually to your liking if you want.

                        But there is another way of changing the sasami2k stuff to english... something with renaming the language file or something. Searh for it on the net, or experiment a bit yourself

