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Anyone using the latest G200 drivers with Whistler?

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  • Anyone using the latest G200 drivers with Whistler?

    So far, I've had no problems in 2D with the drivers included on the Whistler beta2 cd. I believe they're 5.12 but not sure.

    Haven't tried any 3D games yet. (TFC/Q3TA)

    Anyone try the latest drivers with Whistler beta 2? How stable are they?

  • #2
    I'm running 2462 using a G400max. *Extremely stable* (Haven't used dualhead though)

    The driver seems to be Microsoft provided though:

    Driver Provider: Microsoft
    Driver Date: 2/15/2001
    Driver Version: 5.1.2439.0

    I'm skeptical about installing any Matrox drivers..


    • #3
      Have you used any OpenGL games with those drivers? (5.1.2439.0)


      • #4
        Just tried the latest HL and Black/White on a clean Whistler install.

        OpenGL is not supported by the stock G200 drivers. Was able to get HL running in DirectX and Software modes only.

        Black/White ran great except for a few "DX7 required" errors. Fixed by running in Win2K compatibility mode.

        Can anyone recommend a set of newer certified drivers capable of running OGL in Whistler?

        [This message has been edited by orangejulius (edited 15 April 2001).]


        • #5
          Tried the latest drivers (5.33.006) with Whistler. No problems, lockups, or anything of that sort.

          However, HL still refuses to run in OGL mode. No matter which resolution I try, I get "The selected open gl mode is not supported by your video card."

          Any suggestions?


          • #6
            G200 Driver unstable in XP


            I have some issues with my G200 under XP. The system can lock up with the screen gone crazy...
            When rebooting, windows notifies me that the driver is the cause of the instability (a draw instruction caused the crash or something...)

            I tried to reduce the hardware acceleration in the display propreties (1 or 2 steps to the left) and this seems to fix it but...

            I then tried Black/White but it goes back to the desktop...(I hadn't tried it before changing the acceleration parameter)

            Have many of you guys installed the latest Win2k driver (5.33...)? Is everything stable?

            Has anyone else encountered my instablity problem?

            Thanks a lot,


