What are the different REVISIONS of the G400 MAX?
When I asked Matrox they replied with
"G4+MMDHA32GR - AGP 2X/4X compliant
G4+MMDH4A32GR - AGP 4X support"
BUT a friend of mine tells me that those are model numbers, not REVISION. How
do you distinguish the different REVs?
Here's what he says.
"Hate to tell ya this Di but there is no way to determine version from the model/part
# (in fact they don't really even call it a version change..those were my
I still have my box and it has G4+MMDH4A32GR, and the box actually says
This is what all the ruckus was about when the card first came out. Because
when you in stalled the card and used any sys diagnostic it showed the card
as only capable of AGPx2.
You have to keep in mine that when G400 was released AGPx4 had just been
"approved" and there
wasn't any hardware (ie" motherboards) that had it yet.
The numbers that you are showing below (g4+mmdha32, g4+mmdh4a32gr) aren't
different versions they are different models.
The G400 came with many extras, all of were different models.
You could get it with 16meg or 32 meg, with Dual Head & TV Out or without,
with MAX or without (what
MAX means is that this model used a higher GPU clock speed and faster bus
(memory) speed.
It wasn't till Jan or Feb. of 2000 that enough stink had been raised that
Matrox release (very quietly)
the same card but was truly AGPx4. There were some other changes but I
don't remember what
they were.
I've been trying to find my old notes on this cause I know there was a way
to tell the 2 apart. I think it had to do with where it was manufactured (Matrox had
3 or 4 factory world wide producing this
card). Mine says Ireland. This will be on the same sticker that has the
model/part # both on the box and on the card."
So, again I ask, what are the different REVs. Which is the latest?
When I asked Matrox they replied with
"G4+MMDHA32GR - AGP 2X/4X compliant
G4+MMDH4A32GR - AGP 4X support"
BUT a friend of mine tells me that those are model numbers, not REVISION. How
do you distinguish the different REVs?
Here's what he says.
"Hate to tell ya this Di but there is no way to determine version from the model/part
# (in fact they don't really even call it a version change..those were my
I still have my box and it has G4+MMDH4A32GR, and the box actually says
This is what all the ruckus was about when the card first came out. Because
when you in stalled the card and used any sys diagnostic it showed the card
as only capable of AGPx2.
You have to keep in mine that when G400 was released AGPx4 had just been
"approved" and there
wasn't any hardware (ie" motherboards) that had it yet.
The numbers that you are showing below (g4+mmdha32, g4+mmdh4a32gr) aren't
different versions they are different models.
The G400 came with many extras, all of were different models.
You could get it with 16meg or 32 meg, with Dual Head & TV Out or without,
with MAX or without (what
MAX means is that this model used a higher GPU clock speed and faster bus
(memory) speed.
It wasn't till Jan or Feb. of 2000 that enough stink had been raised that
Matrox release (very quietly)
the same card but was truly AGPx4. There were some other changes but I
don't remember what
they were.
I've been trying to find my old notes on this cause I know there was a way
to tell the 2 apart. I think it had to do with where it was manufactured (Matrox had
3 or 4 factory world wide producing this
card). Mine says Ireland. This will be on the same sticker that has the
model/part # both on the box and on the card."
So, again I ask, what are the different REVs. Which is the latest?