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Bad news from Anandtech

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  • #31
    I don't use an SMP system on my work, I use a single processor Asus CUSL2-C/ P3 900. It has more than it's share of bugs, and like I said ATI has acknowledged all of them.



    • #32
      What I'm really looking forward to is the position Matrox will be in when WinXP officially arrives. They should have the best drivers out there!


      • #33
        as XP is based on the Win2k core, it will probably uses drivers that are equal or very close to the Win2k drivers for the graphics card.


        • #34
          Actually I do use an smp setup - at home anyway... and I have yet to find a video card other than my dual head g400 that I can even use!

          I have tried most of them, from Intel i740-> radeon (I have an understanding computer bits shop near me) and the only card to run stable for me has been the g400...

          I have had naught but pain from them all.

          I have to run my home pc 24X7 for some 'homers' and I had terrible problems from all but the GeForce(1) and the matrox.

          For this reason (and this reason alone) I have stuck with Matrox (I started out my video life with a PCI mystique!)

          The drivers may start flakey but mature fast... reasonably.

          I want something better for games and such, but I am willing to wait....


          Dont just swallow the blue pill.


          • #35
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by [GDI]Raptor:
            Anandtech = Nvidiatech

            They did not mention the bad 2D quality in their GeForce 3 review...

            I miss Agn Hardware & Agn 3D


            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">As you have all probably seen by now, an internal sales document from NVIDIA was leaked to the public. This particular document was the propaganda equivalent of 101 reasons to not like ST Micro’s Kyro II part. From our recent review of the Kyro II you’ll realize that we positioned it not as a cost effective competitor to the GeForce2 MX, but rather an alternative to the more expensive GeForce2 Ultra or GeForce3. </font>
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">While the Kyro II does have it’s issues (we’ll get to those in a second), they are not nearly as devastating as NVIDIA had made them out to be</font>
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Unfortunately NVIDIA’s price drop can only make the purchase easier to swallow, it cannot however, cover up the fact that there are simply no titles that take advantage of the GeForce3’s incredible technology. While you can make the argument that the GeForce3 offers better memory bandwidth utilization and more flexibility from an Anti-Aliasing standpoint, whether or not that justifies the $400 price tag is still a shady answer.</font>
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">We’re going to have to stick to our guns on this one and still recommend that if you can wait, hold off until games actually require the features behind the GeForce3 before plunking down your cash for one. If you want something to tide you over until then, NVIDIA has a few attractive options, as does ST Micro.</font>
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Without a doubt, ST Micro’s Kyro II has become the hit that the original Kryo never seemed to excel to be. Even more interesting is the fact that the chip is still a month away from release yet it has attained this level of stardom very quickly, can you see why NVIDIA felt defensive?</font>
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">On the driver side of things, apparently quite a bit of progress has been made internally. Mercedes Benz Truck Racing is now working properly, which is more than can be said about the title on the GeForce3’s current drivers. </font>
            Anandtech = Kyrotech

            According to the latest official figures, 43% of all statistics are totally worthless...


            • #36
              Its back up again.



              • #37

                Do you think it might be the Asus' Via chipset that is giving things a problem with the Radeon? Have you tried all their latest bioses?

                I run an Epox KTA3 motherboard, with the Via KT-133A chipset, and my Radeon 64DDR Vivo and I couldn't be happier. I've not heard a lot of trouble from folks with Via chips but there just might be a need for you to check into Via's 4 in 1 driver solution.

                Have you looked into that?


                • #38
                  My Asus doesn't use a via chipset. I refuse to buy via chipsets. It uses an intel chipset

                  And believe me, it's not a misconfiguration, I have contacted ATI's tech support to see if there were work arounds, and they told me that each of these bugs have been confirmed and are noted to be fixed soon.

                  That was months ago.



                  • #39

                    The weekly beta driver for Radeons is out. Give it a try at Rage3D.


                    • #40
                      Well nobody else will say it, but I will. Anand is biased. He is also wishy-washy. Read his motherboard reviews.. I went there to read reviews when I was in the market and he would praise one motherboard company as a paragon of high-end stability in one review, and diss the same company for being middle of the road crap in the next. In reading his stuff, it's hard to miss what a swollen head the guy has. His mommy and daddy are rich, so he got to spend his life sitting there on his computer spewing his opinions on the website their money got going for him. Isn't that nice? Of course, because he has never had anyone else to answer to in life, his opinions are arrogant, unedited, and yes, biased. He's a greasy little know-it-all rich kid whose opinions carry about as much weight as a hot air balloon.

                      How's that for a review of the reviewer? (By the way.. yeah I'm biased. I don't care for those who think they are better than I am because their mommy and daddy were rich, and "don't care for" is actually a profound understatement.)


                      • #41

                        Anand started his webpage on the free GeoCities site. It grew to what it is today because what he has to say is relevant. No one's mommy or daddy can buy you a successful and growing website with reviews that are (almost always) technically accurate and fair. Everyone is going to find something they disagree with on every site, but Anand's is highly regarded because he is accurate. That he can start and run a highly successful business while in his teens is another feather in his cap.

