As I have probably a few times threatened I bought a brand new and shiny G450 last friday. I'd like to diskuss about it.
The good and great things are:
+ even at 60 or 50 Hz the picture doesn't have as much flicker as with i740 (just incredible
+ I can use 32 bit colors at any depth!
+ the whole computer is about 10 % faster than with i740 (probably some sort of incompatibility between the old i740 and other hardware)
+ 2D is faster
+ picture is extremely sharp in both 2D and 3D. It's like when I got my first eyeglasses: I didn't know everything was so blurry until I first put them on
+ matrox_fb works perfectly (it's fun to use 800x600x32bit @100Hz
+ libggi works perfectly with matrox_fb
+ the TV-output works well
Then there are bad things:
- AGP doesn't work, so 3D performance is poor (yet it's as fast as i740 with AGP...) and videos have their jerky moments
- drivers have bugs (5.3x in Win2000 and 6.2x in Win98)
- OpenGL doesn't work (haven't tried Linux yet), because
- XFree86 locks up when starting up
- my TV isn't S-Video compatible
If you are just about to say, "get the latest drivers", I'll get them tomorrow, as at home I have only 56kbps modem, but at school the connection is 2Mbps+
. The same goes to Linux drivers. My TV has SCART, and so I bought an S-Video and Composite to SCART adapter. It looks like this. If I choose NTSC output, the image is sharp, but B&W. If I choose PAL output, the image has colors, but it has some random blue noise! It's not so noticeable when playing a game (in clone mode), but when text pops up, it looks like shit
. So, I'll have to buy a composite cable instead.
Here're some questions:
- how can I get my AGP work? Do the latest drivers (5.52 ? ) fix that problem? I read the MGA Tweak Utility help and tried the "NetMeeting Bug", but that didn't help.
- should the OpenGL even work with so old drivers?
- how bad picture quality does composite have compared to S-Video?
- I noticed that in Powerdesk's config it's possible to choose between "S-Video or Composite" and "SCART-RGB". I'd like to know what the heck is "SCART-RGB"?!? I read a pin-out diagram from MGA Tweak Utility's help and it seems to me that it contains both composite and S-Video signals! Is this true and if it is, does it work if I plug both composite and S-Video cables to my adapter and choose "SCART-RGB"?
As a conclusion, if I can get AGP and OpenGL work, it definitely was worth buying
Here's my current config (notice the 256 MB mem... I bought 128 MB more at the same time when I bought G450. Win2000 really speeded up!):
AMD K6-2/500 Mhz
A586B (Ali Aladdin V)
256MB 100 Mhz SDRAM
20GB Maxtor DiamondMAX VL 20, Quantum Fireball EX6.4A
HP 9110i
Matrox G450 DH 32 MB DDR AGP
Winbond W940C (or such, 10MB/s)
Yakumo EN1570DO (15")
Siemens FC 143 16" TV
Win98 (seldom), Win2000, RedHat 7.0
Problems are like babies; they only grow by nursing.
The good and great things are:
+ even at 60 or 50 Hz the picture doesn't have as much flicker as with i740 (just incredible

+ I can use 32 bit colors at any depth!
+ the whole computer is about 10 % faster than with i740 (probably some sort of incompatibility between the old i740 and other hardware)
+ 2D is faster
+ picture is extremely sharp in both 2D and 3D. It's like when I got my first eyeglasses: I didn't know everything was so blurry until I first put them on

+ matrox_fb works perfectly (it's fun to use 800x600x32bit @100Hz

+ libggi works perfectly with matrox_fb
+ the TV-output works well
Then there are bad things:
- AGP doesn't work, so 3D performance is poor (yet it's as fast as i740 with AGP...) and videos have their jerky moments
- drivers have bugs (5.3x in Win2000 and 6.2x in Win98)
- OpenGL doesn't work (haven't tried Linux yet), because
- XFree86 locks up when starting up
- my TV isn't S-Video compatible
If you are just about to say, "get the latest drivers", I'll get them tomorrow, as at home I have only 56kbps modem, but at school the connection is 2Mbps+

Here're some questions:
- how can I get my AGP work? Do the latest drivers (5.52 ? ) fix that problem? I read the MGA Tweak Utility help and tried the "NetMeeting Bug", but that didn't help.
- should the OpenGL even work with so old drivers?
- how bad picture quality does composite have compared to S-Video?
- I noticed that in Powerdesk's config it's possible to choose between "S-Video or Composite" and "SCART-RGB". I'd like to know what the heck is "SCART-RGB"?!? I read a pin-out diagram from MGA Tweak Utility's help and it seems to me that it contains both composite and S-Video signals! Is this true and if it is, does it work if I plug both composite and S-Video cables to my adapter and choose "SCART-RGB"?
As a conclusion, if I can get AGP and OpenGL work, it definitely was worth buying

Here's my current config (notice the 256 MB mem... I bought 128 MB more at the same time when I bought G450. Win2000 really speeded up!):
AMD K6-2/500 Mhz
A586B (Ali Aladdin V)
256MB 100 Mhz SDRAM
20GB Maxtor DiamondMAX VL 20, Quantum Fireball EX6.4A
HP 9110i
Matrox G450 DH 32 MB DDR AGP
Winbond W940C (or such, 10MB/s)
Yakumo EN1570DO (15")
Siemens FC 143 16" TV
Win98 (seldom), Win2000, RedHat 7.0
Problems are like babies; they only grow by nursing.