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image problems with my max. any suggestions?

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  • image problems with my max. any suggestions?

    I am having some issues with my display and i cant tell if it is a monitor or video card setting. First off, my card isnt overclocked. secondly, my monitor is an Iiyama s901gt.

    First issue. Distortion. When viewing windows, such as webpages like this one, with lots of text, the text causes the lines of the screen to shift resulting in a serrated edge on all my windows and edges of the screen parallel to the text being viewed. additionally, the text ends up looking italisized.

    here is a picture showing a mild case of what im experiencing:

    and here is the same picture but fixed after i dragged a box over the text

    notice how the bottom of the background box is not quite covered resulting in a distortion that is carried all the way over to the edge of the screen giving the icon and the edge of the screen a wavy effect. If i scroll the text, the waves follow the text.

    I have been corresponding with Iiyama over this, and so far have been told to try my monitor on other systems. i tried a viewmaster on my system and didnt experience a problem, yet iiyama is convinced its not the monitors fault.

    anyone have any suggestions on how to fix this problem? perhaps a setting on the card? its very annoying; especially since for all intents and purposes i have just about the best image quality setup with a g400max and an iiyama monitor.
    First Love:
    • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
    • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
    • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
    • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
    • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
    • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
    • Pineapples

    Second Love:
    1990 Toyota Celica GT

  • #2
    <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">and so far have been told to try my monitor on other systems</font>
    And you tried your monitor on another system, like iiyama asked you to do? Did you see the problem then?

    What resolution are you running at what refresh rate? Can your monitor take the refresh rate you're running at that resolution?



    • #3
      I think you should try it on another system anyway, just for fun

      Then take a damp cloth, add a little soap, and clean your face

      Oh, and I think this is a known fault with Iiyama's - sometimes they have poor power regulation (I think that's what this is, I'm no expert), so get back on the email to them, tell them you've tried another monitor and had no problems, so why should a G400MAX have issues with their monitor, and not another?

      That ok?

      Meet Jasmine.


      • #4
        ok... wiped off my face.. didnt help any. Ill bring up the point of power regulation in my next email to Iiyama.

        in addition, I did try my monitor on another system. I tried it on the new system i built for my brother that uses a radeon VE card. and im sorry to say it did look a little bit better and eventhough the distortion wasnt totally gone, there was a little bit less of it.

        Very very strange...
        First Love:
        • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
        • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
        • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
        • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
        • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
        • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
        • Pineapples

        Second Love:
        1990 Toyota Celica GT


        • #5
          Did you try it in a different location? Ie move the computer and screen to a different room in your house, or better yet take your whole PC over to a friends house, and try there?

          It could be very strong interferance from something. Are you near a Cell repeater, or maybe a neighbour who has lots of ham radio stuff?

          It could be a faulty power plug that your monitor is plugged into, getting cross current interferance.

          Let us know whats happening.



          • #6
            <font face="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica" size="2">Originally posted by Ali:
            Did you try it in a different location? Ie move the computer and screen to a different room in your house, or better yet take your whole PC over to a friends house, and try there?

            It could be very strong interferance from something. Are you near a Cell repeater, or maybe a neighbour who has lots of ham radio stuff?

            It could be a faulty power plug that your monitor is plugged into, getting cross current interferance.

            Let us know whats happening.

            nah, i know its not any of that, because the monitor that i plugged into my system to test it(the viewsonic, not viewmaster that i had written), was placed right next my iiyama. i used the same power plug, and i switched video cable as well.

            i'm bringing my pc and monitor into work tomorrow to have our tech take a look at it, and perhaps try the monitors we have here on display to see if it is my video card. we'll see.

            i'll keep y'all posted.
            First Love:
            • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
            • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
            • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
            • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
            • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
            • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
            • Pineapples

            Second Love:
            1990 Toyota Celica GT


            • #7
              Alright, brought the computer by work today. hooked it all up.. well, most of it. i left the keyboard at mouse at home. well, i booted up.. and MOST of it looked fine. what happened?! did it fix it self? well, to make a long story short, no. for some reason, the wavy lines decrease when a mouse isnt plugged in. how is that possible? well, i tried a different monitor on my system, and then i tried my monitor on a different system. when i tried another monitor on my system, everything looked much better. the only problems is that there were faint curvy lines all over the screen(seems like a moire or convergence or some issue like that, but icant fix it). granted this was on my screen before, but with a different monitor, it is less prominent. when i tried my monitor on another system, all the problems seemed to disapear. i dont get it. the tech couldnt figure it out. the only concern she had was if the monitor i have is compatible with my video card. i told her, i thought so and that i have been running it for a year previously without a problem.

              so whats goin on folks? its almost as if both the monitor and video card are screwy and that it only gets bad when i use them together. can that happen? should i get both products RMA'd? that would suck.. cuz then id be stuck with a 15" screen and a voodoo3 2000 for a month or more depending on the turn around. id like it all working... expecially after hooking my monitor up to a geforce ddr and noting that the desktop image looked better than mine...*gulp*
              First Love:
              • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
              • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
              • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
              • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
              • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
              • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
              • Pineapples

              Second Love:
              1990 Toyota Celica GT


              • #8
                Try exchanging the VGA cable or using a BNC one if your monitor supprts it (first you could try moving your cable into another position, ie preventing it from hanging down from your D-Sub in etc.). I've had the same problem with my Iiyama Vision Master Pro 17 here at home after 3 years of happiness with it, and it seems that either the cable or the monitors D-Sub in are defective (the problem looks like a bad contact somewhere either in the cable or in the monitor's input), because when I rock the cable, sometimes put something under it to prevent it from hanging down, my picture gets as good as it gets with my monitor again

                There's an Opera in my macbook.


                • #9
                  well, somewhat good news. i think i mighta isolated the problem. based on az's suggestion, i wiggled the connection on the back of the monitor. voila! its a temporary fix as whenever it happens, i can just push the connector in a direction to fix it. not good though. i emailed iiyama with my discovery. perhaps they'll send me bnc connectors or something.
                  First Love:
                  • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
                  • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
                  • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
                  • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
                  • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
                  • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
                  • Pineapples

                  Second Love:
                  1990 Toyota Celica GT


                  • #10

                    Received my BNC cable in the mail from Iiyama. Mad probs to Chris Nash. I've been bitchin for 2 weeks now about the problems with my monitor and he has responded very professionally.

                    unfortunately, his professionalism hasnt fixed my monitor. the BNC cable didnt solve the wiggles, or the, for lack of a better term, moire problems.

                    Additionally, i've noticed faint corduroy lines running vertically from top to bottom on the left 1/3rd of the desktop causing the toolbar i have docked to that side to have faint vertical lines.

                    Anyone have any clue? Is it possible it is the video card? am i being too picky with my display when i want my screen to look like my screen shots?

                    perhaps. but, i guess i want perfection when when i try to buy the best. i paid $240 for the video card, and $425 on the monitor last year. If i wanted crap, i guess i coulda bought a generic 19" for $200 and a generic video card for $50, right?

                    i suppose ideally, i wish i could just tell one of the tech guys from iiyama to come out here, so i can say "here, look... right here. see that?... and that?" the place i have to mail it to get it RMA'd is only about an hours drive from here in the middle of Los Angeles.
                    First Love:
                    • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
                    • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
                    • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
                    • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
                    • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
                    • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
                    • Pineapples

                    Second Love:
                    1990 Toyota Celica GT


                    • #11
                      WHAT? I'm gonna get myself that BNC cable on the spot!

                      BTW, put something UNDER the cable to hold it up so it doesn't pull on your monitor. this has solved the issue for me (of course, it's still a temporary fix)

                      I paid 750$ for my 17" *g

                      There's an Opera in my macbook.


                      • #12
                        Fook... the guy from Iiyama said I can have my monitor repaired for $80 (it's over 4 years old, so no more warranty), and he said they won't send me a BNC cable as they're quite expensive. He said Iiyama US tech support only sent you the cable because they're stupid *g

                        There's an Opera in my macbook.


                        • #13
                          Ah yeah and he said that the problem looks like a bad contact - seems Iiyama monitors have this problem quite often. You should get your monitor repaired by Iiyama.

                          There's an Opera in my macbook.


                          • #14
                            az, check out if you're looking for BNC cable. They sell all kinds of computer cables at an unbelievable price and the quality is ok.
                            main system: P4 Northwood 2.0 @ 2.5GHz, Asus P4PE (LAN + Audio onboard), 512MB Infineon PC333 CL2.5, Sapphire/BBA Radeon 9500@9700 128MB (hardmodded), IBM 100GB ATA-100, 17" Belinea (crappy), and some other toys...ADSL (1,5mbit/s down, 256kbit/s up...sweeeeeet!)


                            • #15
                              The cables look to be about the same pricing as SVGA cabling; about US$15.

                              Its not like a totally cool deal with getting the BNC cable. Chris wants me to send it back if it didnt work out. which it didnt. it wasnt a new cable anyway. it was covered with dust and one of the connectors was bent.

                              I really hope it gets worked out. Ive been a complete pain in the ass with this monitor having it RMA'd 2 times so far, but the service, the entire time, has been phenominal. Once I get this monitor fixed for good, im definetly sendin these folks a thank you letter.

                              [This message has been edited by WaR-ped (edited 10 May 2001).]
                              First Love:
                              • Lite-On FS020 enclosure w/4 120mm Panaflos and soon a 172mm Nidec
                              • MSI 694D Pro w/ BIOS 1.6
                              • 2x800E cC0 Pentium 3 w/ 2xVolcanoII
                              • SyncMAX(NEC) PC166 VCM SDRAM 4x128mb w/ CAS = 1
                              • nVidia Quadro2 Pro, but Matrox at heart
                              • And other non-important stuff like hard drives and a dvd drive
                              • Pineapples

                              Second Love:
                              1990 Toyota Celica GT

