This card does not have all the new graphical features of say , a Geforce 3 but the card was never meant to have such features. This card is meant for Business and Workplace computers.
It has been made with more non-gaming related features built in. However , the card should still hold up alright in the gaming arena (for those of you who want to sneak in some Quake 3 while the boss isn't looking).
The communication using 3D Rendered heads is a good idea and could possibly revolutionise communication over the internet. The DualHead (ie. Dual Monitor) capabilities of this Video Card looks promising as does it's potential for high quality DVD playback.
From what I think , this card will serve the targeted audience (Business Users) well but will most probably not be as popular among home users and gamers.
Keep in mind that no benchmarks are available yet, so the card may be faster than we expect.
Well that's it for me, I hope you guys enjoyed this preview.
Until next time,