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G550 Test in CHIP Online

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  • #31
    Originally posted by DosFreak
    The specs of the machine it was tested on do not matter. Stick a G400 in a 1g P3. Run Q3 at 1024X768 will all settings to max and you'll get less than 30fps framerates.
    DosFreak, you're so correct. This is what I was trying to say. My oc'ed G400 non-Max was able to achieve nearly 30fps on an Athlon600 with everything max'ed. You can't do more than max-out everything, now do you? The G550 does 29 fps in a 1.2 GHz rig and you can see by the MX200/400 performance (at least when you know those chips and what numbers to expect from them) that Chip used one of the standard demos and not annihilator. And just because the G450 was even slower than the G400 doesn't really make things better for M.

    DZeus: If you say TC doesn't help for the targeted market, you should also add that ALL 3D functionality of the G550 doesn't really help (In CAD/CAM the G550s 3D performance can be beaten by current CPUs). And what's the thing with the doubled pipelines that are most likely be idling most of the time because of the SLOW ram??

    So my question still stands: Why isn't Matrox honest and gets out a 2D-only card since this is the ONLY market they can address with this card - perhaps even provide functionality for flawless operation with other 3D cards for those who want to play games every now and then.
    BTW, I'm sure that leaving out 3D functionality could save more costs than the addition of e.g. a tuner or two DVI outs could create, and I guess you'll agree with me that the latter would be more attractive to the "targeted maket" than the alibi 3D....
    Last edited by Indiana; 7 August 2001, 15:48.
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