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Marvel G200-TV crashes system

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  • Marvel G200-TV crashes system

    Been back and forth with Matrox support for 6 months now, still no solution, hopeing I can get some help from here.

    The problem is my marvel g200-tv 8meg AGP card crashes/freezes my system every 30minutes requiring a reboot. It crashes much quicker if using the tv tuner or playing any type of game compared to if I simply do windows tasks.

    I am attempting to attatch 2 screne shots of example crashes. The video basically gets all messed up and either blurring everything with large black thick lines forming a grid across 3/4 of the screen, or the entire screen becomes filled with pixels of every color. Difficult to decribe the crash, easier to show a photo to anyone who might have an idea.

    I have tried everything, including having the matrox card as the only card in the system and it still crashes. When a S3 AGP card was put in the system instead it all ran perfectly, no crashing.
    I just need to know if it is a conflict between the ABIT motherboard and the card and whether I need to purchase a card from a different manufacturer to work on my system.

    Any suggestions will help. I have been through every basic suggestion from matrox tech support already. I even had my old card replaced with an RMA and the replacement card still crashes.


    3X256 PC133 micron ram
    8.4 gig, 17.2 gig ATA33 Fujitsu HDD
    60 gig IBM ATA100 HDD
    Adaptec 2940UW SCSI PCI card
    Seagate SCSI HDD
    3COM ISA ethernet card
    SB Live Platinum PCI
    Matrox Marvel G200-TV 8meg AGP
    AOpen 300watt 13 bay tower
    Pioneer 16X DVD
    Panasonic 4X8 SCSI burner
    Attached Files

  • #2
    See my post in General Hardware/Software
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