Can anyone tell me if MATROX one and for all is coming out with some KICK BUTT h'ware anytime soon? I do not, repeat, do not want to buy some nvidia crap<<worst images I've ever seen but fast as stink!>><<i had a TNT2 Ultra>> nor ATI<<beautiful images, slower than a freaking snail!>><<had a 128RAGE>>I love my G400 MAX coupled with a 1.4T'bird and Samsung 955DF<<It really hits 1600 by 1200 without a sweat!>>
The thing is that by todays standards and because this aforementioned companies have stolen the limelight, I want a KICKASS Matrox card!!!
Thanks for understanding and apologies for the foul language...
The thing is that by todays standards and because this aforementioned companies have stolen the limelight, I want a KICKASS Matrox card!!!
Thanks for understanding and apologies for the foul language...
