I dont know if anybody else is having problems with win2k 571
new drivers for win2k and xp, they seem to be very slow and not stable on g450 dh, in quake3 fps go down from 95 to 54 and a lot of video coruption in games and freezing, i seem to be having to many problems at the moment with games opengl and this g450
i have tried everything and i mean everything but nothing works,
if anybody has any more good ideas please post or i will be looking for a new grafic card.
new drivers for win2k and xp, they seem to be very slow and not stable on g450 dh, in quake3 fps go down from 95 to 54 and a lot of video coruption in games and freezing, i seem to be having to many problems at the moment with games opengl and this g450
i have tried everything and i mean everything but nothing works,
if anybody has any more good ideas please post or i will be looking for a new grafic card.