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Matrox G-400MAX/RR-G/DVD add-on

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  • Matrox G-400MAX/RR-G/DVD add-on

    I've recently upgraded my fine old Matrox Marvel G200, to a G400, and am in the process of adding a RR-G courtesy of another forum goer here...

    I know Matrox had made several driver sets past the 5.55 version drivers which were the last of the drivers to officially support the DVD-add on board.

    My question: has anyone found a way to install the Matrox DVD decoder software on the 6.28 drivers?

    Thanks in advance...
    Hey, Donny! We got us a German who wants to die for his country... Oblige him. - Lt. Aldo Raine

  • #2

    Haven't actually tried this myself and have no idea if it works or not, so take it as you will. Install the drivers that support the DVD + DVD software (5.55 in your case). Then without uninstalling the drivers, install the new ones over it (Your 6.28). This trick worked with the 5.xx drivers. Not sure if this'll work tho, but it's the only idea I have for your setup. Maybe someone else has a better solution?


