I have bought an bulk g550 card. It has Samsung 5.5ns memories, but at first I didn't know have they were clocked. So I downloaded latest powerstip 1.2, which showed 118Mhz core and 177Mhz memories. It seems different against the retail version, which is clocked at 133,166. So I increased clock to 133,200. The performance flew up from 2702 to 2925 points [default] 3Dmark2000. I have to remember that I have too slow proc., only 600@672 {112Mhz}. But the more surprisingly is result in 1024x768x32. There I reached 2050 points and it is about 12% higher than retail G550 with ATHLON 1.2.
P.S. Isn't fillrate 240,290 too low?
System P3 600@672
320 MB RAM
Chaintech VTA2 board
P.S. Isn't fillrate 240,290 too low?
System P3 600@672
320 MB RAM
Chaintech VTA2 board