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RRG TV TUNER Drivers for XP

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  • RRG TV TUNER Drivers for XP

    When I was running WIN XP Beta, I was able to run my TV tuner on the RRG with my G200, I just forced XP to install the Win 2000 drivers. I never had any problems with the TV Tuner. But now that I use real version of XP, I have run into several problems with the TV tuner. Sometimes, when I shut the TV off (via remote) the picture shuts off, but the sounds continues to play. This never happened under the beta release of XP. I know the recommended course of action is to reformat my hard drive, and re-install everything. As much fun as this sounds, I have a better idea:

    Dear Matrox Tech Support,

    Please write REAL drivers for the TV tuner on the RRG, so that I can use it under WIN XP. As much as I like to force WIN XP to run Win 2000 drivers, I would prefer to do things properly. And unlike most of the other people on this board, I don't upgrade my video card every few months. Considering the OPEN GL ICD fiasco (did you ever really get that thing to work??), I would really appreciate some cooperation. I have had prior success just forcing the drivers to install under Win XP Beta, so I can't imagine why it doesn't work properly under the final release. As my resources are limited, ie: I didn't write the drivers, maybe you guys could fix it. Otherwise I am going to go and buy an ATI Radeon 8500DV card and you will lose my business.

    In case you are wondering, I have a 16M G200 + RRG + DVD

    btw, I am still ticked about that stupid hardware DVD module that I have which only runs under W98. Especially considering that I waited 6 months for it.


    ASUS P2B-DS REV 1.06 D03 w/ DUAL 1.4GHZ Tualatins; Matrox Parhelia; M-Audio Delta 410

    Apple Powerbook G4 - 1.33GHZ

  • #2
    main system: P4 Northwood 2.0 @ 2.5GHz, Asus P4PE (LAN + Audio onboard), 512MB Infineon PC333 CL2.5, Sapphire/BBA Radeon 9500@9700 128MB (hardmodded), IBM 100GB ATA-100, 17" Belinea (crappy), and some other toys...ADSL (1,5mbit/s down, 256kbit/s up...sweeeeeet!)


    • #3
      Yes Matrox! this is something you should do!
      Make the Win2000 videotools for WindowsXP
      can't be so much work, and you'll gett more satisfied customers Matrox!!!!

      I'm not asking for MJPEG, just capture options, and TV-Tuner....


      • #4
        Otherwise I am going to go and buy an ATI Radeon 8500DV card and you will lose my business.

        Unfortunately, this is what you will have to do since we have announced back in June that all driver developement for all mjpeg cards have stopped.



        • #5
          I don't care about the MJPEG capture aspects of the card. I only use the TV Tuner, which I am pretty sure will work. The fact that it may need a little bit of tweaking, which you guys aren't willing to do, is what bothers me. Where is your committment to customer satisfaction?? Or is that just some false creed which you advertise but don't live up to? Is that how it works, I buy your stuff, then MS switches OS's, and you abandon your support stating "our software was written for W98, not WXP?"

          ASUS P2B-DS REV 1.06 D03 w/ DUAL 1.4GHZ Tualatins; Matrox Parhelia; M-Audio Delta 410

          Apple Powerbook G4 - 1.33GHZ


          • #6
            I don't care about the MJPEG capture aspects of the card.

            Eventhough you have every right to be upset, more than 90% of our mjpeg clients will disagree with you. They did not spend ~ $500 for a tv tuner card was their arguement when we released our Win2k capture less video tools.

            The fact that it may need a little bit of tweaking, which you guys aren't willing to do, is what bothers me.

            Who told you this is a quick simple tweak?

            Last edited by Haig; 19 December 2001, 20:51.


            • #7
              I think you're on the right track about buying an ATI card.
              That's what I did. Just got sick of hearing all the excuses
              and flamin going back and forth. Let supply and demand
              rule. Matrox doesn't have what you want so find a vendor
              that does. Matrox is going to serve what they think the
              market is (whether their right or wrong).
              just my 1.9cents worth,
              pentium III @550mhz
              intel 440BX pci chipset
              512mb memory, g400max,
              cybervision C70 monitor
              win2000 on maxtor 8.4 gb

