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G200 Marvel (U.K.) failing to boot

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  • G200 Marvel (U.K.) failing to boot

    I'm trying to use an 8Mb AGP G200 Marvel I bought off Ebay in a dual-Celeron box (Gigabyte G6-BXD) with 1Gb RAM and external SCSI boot disks. I'm running W98SE for this use (video capture).

    I started to install it, and got successfully as far as the DVD setup section in the software install. After selecting Region 1 (it was set at Region 2) the system rebooted. At this point the system issued a long-short-short-short tone, which is the error code for "No video display adaptor" detected. The display will not come out of standby (indicating it is not receiving any video drive signals).

    Reading through some stuff in various fora I found that the G200 family seems prone to BIOS errors and I figured that the DVD region code change might have whacked it. I've downloaded the Matrox-recommended BIOS update/repair utility for the Gxx family (, created a floppy disk and rebooted the system from that. After a while (I think due to the amount of memory I've got in this box) the floppy disk starts up and reads the disk. A while after that the system seems to reboot (as it says it will in the docs) but all I get is another POST error tone code L-S-S-S.

    Is there anything else I can do to fix this? I saw some references to some other fixes from a guy called Greg, but the URL in the message (something like is now dead.


  • #2
    Some of the G cards are prone to not sitting in the AGP slot properly or even popping out. Before you go any further try reseating the card, you may even have to leave it with the backplate unscrewed.


    • #3
      I checked the seating of the card -- seems OK. After physically installating it, it worked perfectly through software installation (including being able to test-grab video) up to the point where I changed the DVD region setting, which I imagine involves a write to the card's EEPROM. After the forced reboot at that point the card is totally non-functional, as in it does not produce a signal during boot-up, and the system issues those error beeps reporting that it can't locate the card in the system.

      I've tried another card (a G400 DH) in the same AGP slot; no problems. I've cleaned the contacts, looked for damaged chips etc. Nothing. Do you know of any other recovery tools other than the Matrox recovery floppy disk BIOS rewrite?



      • #4
        More info:

        I've put an old Mill I PCI card into the system and booted up into W98SE with that. If I then drop into MS-DOS mode and run the Matrox recover.exe program (from the recover floppy) I get:


        1.Unknown MGA?? DeviceID: 519
        Found G200AGP
        Calc SUM:18
        Read SUM:f6
        Loading default BIN file g200AGP.bin...

        Calculated Pin Sum 86
        E2Prom Pin Sum:86

        Pin is valid, re-using...

        Pins were damaged, information salvaged:
        Unable to continue because of a bad PCB#
        PCB#: 818
        SUBSYSID#: ff04


        [And then it returns to the command prompt.]

        Anybody got any ideas? The recover disk has a file called
        818 (along with a pile of others). I think the 519 device might be the Millennium I PCI card.


