There was a time not too long ago when nothing but Matrox went into my machines...before 3dfx, before's been a long time, but I have a soft spot for Matrox.
I'm indeed hoping these rumors are true! Heh, heh, even as nVidia strives to steal into Matrox's long-held 2D dominance, I think it would be just wonderful if Matrox came along with something like this and just blindsided them. It would be wonderful to see this from Matrox...
Matrox's rather lame efforts into 3D of the past several years seemed to point that Matrox was simply abandoning that segment of the market, or else has been hard at work behind the scenes working on something to upset the applecart in a big way.
That's why I feel this is very credible, indeed. Matrox has the know how, no doubt. And I completely agree that rather than to join the ATI/nVidia status quo and produce similar products it will be far better for them to leapfrog the rest of the industry, much as they did several years ago with the Millennium products--which for years had no peer (albeit in 2D only.)
So, I find this credible. I also find a possible link between BitBoys and Matrox to not be beyond question--wasn't it Matrox who first licensed some of the Bit Boys tech for DX bumpmapping (?)--can't really recall, but for awhile it was a tech Matrox licensed from them which nobody else really had for awhile--and M$ eventually licensed for inclusion in to D3d.
So here's hoping--I'd buy something like this with only one reservation, and that being Matrox's progress with OpenGL 3D support, which had been noticeably lacking in many of their earlier efforts.
So I'm guessing that either Parahelia is true for a fact, or that Matrox stands to significantly lose marketshare in the business sector to nVidia, which is fast trying to steal Matrox's long-held 2D domination of the business market, most espeically with multi-display support.
This could be what it takes to laucnh Matrox out onto the forefront again, and put all of the other guys scrambling to catch up. I also think it's interesting the amount of attention nVidia has brought upon itself with its unabashed interest in trying to secure Matrox employees. This could be simply to steal some of Matrox's 2D know-how, but maybe there's much more to it than meets the eye.
Go Parahelia, I'm hoping this is on the level!
BTW, if there's no 64-bit or 128-bit memory bus--then what is it? Possibly a dual-128-bit or dual 256-bit memory controller? This would certainly fall in line with their previous implementations of dual 64-bit memory buses.
Will be watching with avid interest! Heh--I used to follow Ant years ago, before I left the Matrox fold, and I know him and company to be sincere and about as on-the-level as you can find. So, yes, I believe it and pray that it's true. Nothing like competition, and I'd love to see a rejuvinated Matrox come out with the gloves off, especially teaching nVidia a thing a or two.
'nuff said.

PS: Sorry, I meant to post this in the Parahelia thread. My apologies....
I'm indeed hoping these rumors are true! Heh, heh, even as nVidia strives to steal into Matrox's long-held 2D dominance, I think it would be just wonderful if Matrox came along with something like this and just blindsided them. It would be wonderful to see this from Matrox...
Matrox's rather lame efforts into 3D of the past several years seemed to point that Matrox was simply abandoning that segment of the market, or else has been hard at work behind the scenes working on something to upset the applecart in a big way.
That's why I feel this is very credible, indeed. Matrox has the know how, no doubt. And I completely agree that rather than to join the ATI/nVidia status quo and produce similar products it will be far better for them to leapfrog the rest of the industry, much as they did several years ago with the Millennium products--which for years had no peer (albeit in 2D only.)
So, I find this credible. I also find a possible link between BitBoys and Matrox to not be beyond question--wasn't it Matrox who first licensed some of the Bit Boys tech for DX bumpmapping (?)--can't really recall, but for awhile it was a tech Matrox licensed from them which nobody else really had for awhile--and M$ eventually licensed for inclusion in to D3d.
So here's hoping--I'd buy something like this with only one reservation, and that being Matrox's progress with OpenGL 3D support, which had been noticeably lacking in many of their earlier efforts.
So I'm guessing that either Parahelia is true for a fact, or that Matrox stands to significantly lose marketshare in the business sector to nVidia, which is fast trying to steal Matrox's long-held 2D domination of the business market, most espeically with multi-display support.
This could be what it takes to laucnh Matrox out onto the forefront again, and put all of the other guys scrambling to catch up. I also think it's interesting the amount of attention nVidia has brought upon itself with its unabashed interest in trying to secure Matrox employees. This could be simply to steal some of Matrox's 2D know-how, but maybe there's much more to it than meets the eye.
Go Parahelia, I'm hoping this is on the level!
BTW, if there's no 64-bit or 128-bit memory bus--then what is it? Possibly a dual-128-bit or dual 256-bit memory controller? This would certainly fall in line with their previous implementations of dual 64-bit memory buses.
Will be watching with avid interest! Heh--I used to follow Ant years ago, before I left the Matrox fold, and I know him and company to be sincere and about as on-the-level as you can find. So, yes, I believe it and pray that it's true. Nothing like competition, and I'd love to see a rejuvinated Matrox come out with the gloves off, especially teaching nVidia a thing a or two.
'nuff said.

PS: Sorry, I meant to post this in the Parahelia thread. My apologies....