I've got a G200 AGP Marvel card with (I think) a dead BIOS. I've been told by admin Shawn in the Matrox forums to RMA it for replacement/repair. Great, but...
The email address he suggested for me to use is graphic.tech.uk@matrox.com. I sent all the details as requested to start the RMA process, and in return I got back an email which read, in part:
This is an automated reply from an unmonitored mailbox.
...so there doesn't seem to be anybody behind the curtain at Matrox UK... The rest of the email suggests I check I've got the most up-to-date drivers and where I can find their list of FAQs (none of which mention their RMA procedure). This, of course, is no damn good if the card won't POST, as mine does.
Anybody here from the UK had occasion to RMA kit to Matrox UK recently? If so, how did you get in touch with a real live human being?
The email address he suggested for me to use is graphic.tech.uk@matrox.com. I sent all the details as requested to start the RMA process, and in return I got back an email which read, in part:
This is an automated reply from an unmonitored mailbox.
...so there doesn't seem to be anybody behind the curtain at Matrox UK... The rest of the email suggests I check I've got the most up-to-date drivers and where I can find their list of FAQs (none of which mention their RMA procedure). This, of course, is no damn good if the card won't POST, as mine does.
Anybody here from the UK had occasion to RMA kit to Matrox UK recently? If so, how did you get in touch with a real live human being?