i was wondering what could be causing screen shakes on my g400max running in duelhead mode.
Im running a sony 17inch as the primary display (where the screen shakes occur when the diamond is turned on in windows)
and a diamond 15inch (which recently has been immiting a very high pitched whine, which is unbearable at times) as my secondary display.
1) Does anyone know what this high pitched whine could be coming from the diamond monitor?
2) Are the shakes on the sony, a result from the high pitched whine from the diamond through the g400max, and if so is there any way to fix it?
3) as a side question, since i have been running the g400 from 1999 with the sony and diamond, there has always been some slow moving horizontal transparent bands of dark, moving slowly up the screen on the sony and diamond (in duelhead), as though the screen refresh wasnt high enough. anyone know of this anomoly ? i didnt take note as i thought it didnt warrent attention, but now i am thinking it could be an indicator of something wrong.
thank's for reading
the shakes dont happen when the diamond is off and duelhead is disabled. Ive checked the leads as well.
i run the:
sony at 85hz 1024x768
diamond at 800x600 85hz
latest drivers
latest bios
pIII 500
Aopen ax6bc (440bx) gold MB
netgear network card
mx300 sound card
burner + dvd
256 133hz sdram
Im running a sony 17inch as the primary display (where the screen shakes occur when the diamond is turned on in windows)
and a diamond 15inch (which recently has been immiting a very high pitched whine, which is unbearable at times) as my secondary display.
1) Does anyone know what this high pitched whine could be coming from the diamond monitor?
2) Are the shakes on the sony, a result from the high pitched whine from the diamond through the g400max, and if so is there any way to fix it?
3) as a side question, since i have been running the g400 from 1999 with the sony and diamond, there has always been some slow moving horizontal transparent bands of dark, moving slowly up the screen on the sony and diamond (in duelhead), as though the screen refresh wasnt high enough. anyone know of this anomoly ? i didnt take note as i thought it didnt warrent attention, but now i am thinking it could be an indicator of something wrong.
thank's for reading

the shakes dont happen when the diamond is off and duelhead is disabled. Ive checked the leads as well.
i run the:
sony at 85hz 1024x768
diamond at 800x600 85hz
latest drivers
latest bios
pIII 500
Aopen ax6bc (440bx) gold MB
netgear network card
mx300 sound card
burner + dvd
256 133hz sdram