Hello, I was fighting Win2k today installing a G450 PCI 32MB card (why does Win2k instist on enabling the *disabled* onboard video when bios disabled it?!?!) . It may of been my imagination, but when I enabled the second head it almost looked like the picture quality on the first head got worse. Is this possible? I am not at work anymore to really test it. Any info?
Another odd issue. When dual head is enable and I have both 19" viewsonic monitors running at the same frequency (85Hz I think), a line moves accross the screen. One on the right monitor that goes from the top to the bottom and one on the left monitor that goes from the bottom to the top. Any ideas on that one?
Another odd issue. When dual head is enable and I have both 19" viewsonic monitors running at the same frequency (85Hz I think), a line moves accross the screen. One on the right monitor that goes from the top to the bottom and one on the left monitor that goes from the bottom to the top. Any ideas on that one?