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3 monitor mode limitations?

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  • #31
    just because it was quoted, i might as well post a link to the thread at the Matrox forums...

    this thread has some info that might possibly shed some light on it besides the reply Haig made...
    "And yet, after spending 20+ years trying to evolve the user interface into something better, what's the most powerful improvement Apple was able to make? They finally put a god damned shell back in." -jwz


    • #32
      Originally posted by a13antichrist
      Well because the major feature in this case is a big part of the price. If I was getting awesome gaming AND true TripleHead it would well be worth the extra dollars
      That is to be seen....

      I believe that you must BUY a 3d -monitor Adapter to get the
      advantage of tripple-head.

      So not all stuff is integrated, therefor the extra cost is limited.

      No tripple0head? Buy the standard Parhelia

      YEs Tripplehead? Buy above + a adapter .

      my 0.02cents


      • #33
        Originally posted by MrGaribaldi
        You won't pick up the Parhelia, as it has a major feature that isn't interesting for you?

        Following that same logic, you wouldn't buy the G550 due to the fact it had headcasting? You wouldn't buy a Quaddro because it got high framerates in games?

        I just can't see your reason... Espescially since you'd buy the Parhelia if it didn't have surround gaming...

        Why not just ignore that feature, and buy the card because of all the other features it has? It's not like there's many other cards out there with the same features (in the same price segment)....


        Well because the major feature in this case is a big part of the price. If I was getting awesome gaming AND true TripleHead it would well be worth the extra dollars - but to me the 3D performance increase by itself just isn't important enough to warrant the price premium. I would love to have it, but it's not top of my list.

        Originally posted by rugger

        You know now, and don't have to feel cheated. Keep using your current card
        Keep my current current card? No prizes for guessing that it's a G400.. for in fact the very reason stated above: enjoyment from my card more than mere framerates is precisely why I haven't even considered exchanging it for anything else. I'm just really sad that Matrox never wanted to get into the mobile market.. had to pick up an ATi..
        Last edited by a13antichrist; 17 May 2002, 18:25.
        We seldom attribute common sense except to those who agree with us.
        The Darkside: OCN HellSpawn - Having our way with your daughter's genes


        • #34
          On the other hand I'll probably buy it anyway..
          We seldom attribute common sense except to those who agree with us.
          The Darkside: OCN HellSpawn - Having our way with your daughter's genes


          • #35
            Originally posted by a13antichrist

            Keep my current current card?
            Yes, have you forgetten how to do that now

            Well keeping your current card requires you:

            1) Do not (I repeat do not) scour local shops and web sites looking for the best prices on the latest video cards.
            2) Do not (I really mean this, do not do this) goto the local shops or onto the net and buy this latest video card with best price.
            3) Do not (Well, you could do this if you really wanted to, but it wouldn't make much sense) open up your computer and remove your old video card.
            4) Do not (Well, if you did step 3, you better do this too) put the new video card into your computer and close it.
            5) Do not replace the drivers on your computer with the drivers for this new video card.

            There, after performing all these steps, you should (make sure you get them right, who knows what might happen if you miss a step or get one wrong) still have your current video card in your computer
            80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


            • #36
              80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute
              One qustion: the other 20% weren't by any chance already living there?

              Sorry, couldn't help it


              • #37
                Originally posted by a13antichrist
                Well because the major feature in this case is a big part of the price.
                Ok, I can see the reason in that... I misread your post to mean "If trippelhead isn't available/disabled, I'd buy it"... My bad!

                Originally posted by a13antichrist
                On the other hand I'll probably buy it anyway..
                hehe.. Sounds like me...


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Cheesekeeper

                  One qustion: the other 20% weren't by any chance already living there?

                  Sorry, couldn't help it
                  Sorry about the long wait,

                  I got the time bug

                  Anyway, that part of my signature came from the following discussion

                  Am I off my rocker
                  80% of people think I should be in a Mental Institute


                  • #39
                    I did not see in any of the threads the mention on matrox's site of the use of a third external ramdac powered equally to the other two on board...
                    A new Matrox fan site has just started. Check it out here.
                    Super Administrator
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                    Super Moderator


                    • #40
                      Originally posted by high_ping
                      I did not see in any of the threads the mention on matrox's site of the use of a third external ramdac powered equally to the other two on board...
                      Although the Parhelia is supposed to have 3 RAMDACs, they are not powered equally. If I am reading the specs correctly, there are two 400MHz RAMDACs on-chip (providing the dual-head functionality), and a separate 3rd RAMDAC (lower speed) to handle the third CRT output. Out of the box, I belive it will support 3CRTs, 2 DVI Flat-panels, and TV out (with a max of 3 concurrent devices of course)..........

